Earlier this week EGU’s Policy Officer, Chloe Hill was lucky enough to sit down with one of the many advocates for Open Access publishing on EGU’s Publications Committee: Ulrich Pöschl. Whilst all the members of our Publications Committee are fully committed to making EGU’s journals accessible and open, Ulrich has a unique perspective on this, as he is also the initiator and co-c ...[Read More]
Top 5 (Last Minute) Gifts for Geoscientists…!
So it’s the winter holidays, and you may be looking for some last-minute gifts for the geoscientists in your life. But because it’s 2020, if you haven’t got anything already, you may be getting worried: shipping times are taking longer and longer, and you might not even be able to visit the nearest shopping centre due to a lockdown. If this is you, don’t panic: we’ve got you covered with th ...[Read More]
First-time convening an EGU session? Some advice from the Early Career Scientists.
With the most recent call for sessions for the next European Geosciences Union General Assembly, a diverse provisional programme has been put together. If you have been assigned your first EGU session as a convener – congratulations! But what happens now? Early Career Scientists representatives Andrea Madella (GM), Anna Gülcher (GD), and Tommaso Alberti (NPG) discuss what it’s like to conven ...[Read More]