
Early Career Scientists

How to vEGU – Networking (part 1): your vEGU21 Profile and the conference Networker

How to vEGU – Networking (part 1): your vEGU21 Profile and the conference Networker

This year, for our annual General Assembly, EGU and our conference provider Copernicus have been working hard to provide a much wider range of networking options than we were able to do in the very short time frame we had, in 2020. These networking options are collected into two types: the Conference Networker, with the ‘Handshake’ function; and the Pop-up Networking Scheduler.   ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: How to achieve policy impact

GeoPolicy: How to achieve policy impact

Last year, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) published their Science for Policy Handbook that provides advice on how to bring science to the attention of policymakers. The Handbook is divided into 19 Chapters covering different areas of science for policy as well as some of the challenges that scientists face when engaging with policy and potential solutions. This month’s GeoPo ...[Read More]

#NominateHer – gender matters in awards and medals

#NominateHer – gender matters in awards and medals

Today is International Women’s Day around the world, a day where we celebrate the progress that women, and people across the gender spectrum, have made towards gaining equity, but also take a hard look at how we can do better to support these under-represented groups in our societal structures. For scientific organizations, one of the most visible ways that we can note both the disparity bet ...[Read More]

The women of EGU in 2021!

The women of EGU in 2021!

Happy International Women in Science Day 2021! We at EGU are very lucky to have many outstanding women who participate in the running of the European Geosciences Union. We are delighted to introduce you to just a few of our hard working, inspiring, creative and passionate women of EGU – especially as several of them will be stepping down at the General Assembly this year as their terms of se ...[Read More]