

Publications by the EGU

Since 2001, the EGU and Open Access publishing house Copernicus Publications has published a growing number of successful geoscientific journals. These include 14 peer-reviewed Open Access journals, of which 11 have a Thomson Reuters Impact Factor, placing them in the top echelon of their respective discipline. EGU also publishes a host of other materials available in paper and online. As a signat ...[Read More]

Portuguese wines at risk due to climate change?

Today’s guest post comes from Eline Vanuytrecht from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at KU Leuven, Belgium. New study explores the impact of climatic change on the suitability of agricultural land in Portugal for wine growing Wine is big business in Portugal. Viticulture or wine growing and the production of wine represent an important economic activity of the national agr ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Seeing double

On 6 September 2009, monsoon clouds had built up throughout the day over the Donggi Cona lake in central China. Janneke IJmker, now a researcher at Deltares in the Netherlands, was doing fieldwork there as part of her PhD at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. By dinner time, the sun shone on raindrops from the clouds producing a magnificent double rainbow over the lake, which IJmker captured with ...[Read More]

Sand Dunes at EGU GA 2012

Several participants in the Geoblogsphere having been posting recently about sand dunes. Its part of Sand Dune Week declared on twitter by Brian Romans. Some of the posts are listed by Matthew Francis or find more by searching on twitter for “sand dune week”. There are three sessions at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 directly related to sand dunes, these are liste ...[Read More]