

GeoPolicy: What will a Trump presidency mean for climate change?

GeoPolicy: What will a Trump presidency mean for climate change?

The US Presidential election this month saw Republican Donald Trump, a fierce climate sceptic, be elected into office. In wake of the election results, this month’s GeoPolicy post will take a look at Trump’s proposed actions on climate change, how likely these are to happen, and what the climate and clean technology communities could do to limit the damage.   This tweet, written four years ag ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Peter Lippert, understanding continental tectonics through palaeomagnetic studies

GeoTalk: Peter Lippert, understanding continental tectonics through palaeomagnetic studies

Geotalk is a regular feature highlighting early career researchers and their work. In this interview we speak to Peter Lippert, a palaeomagnetist at the University of Utah, and winner of the 2016 EMRP Outstanding Young Scientist Award. He was granted the award for his contributions to insights into palaeoceanography and continental tectonics through palaeomagnetic studies. Crucially, his work usin ...[Read More]

GeoSciences Column: The ‘dirty weather’ diaries of Reverend Richard Davis

GeoSciences Column: The ‘dirty weather’ diaries of Reverend Richard Davis

Researching the Earth’s climate of the past, helps scientists make better predictions about how the climate and our environment will continue to be affected by, change and adapt to rising temperatures. One of the most invaluable sources of data, when it comes to understanding the Earth’s past climate, are historical meteorological records. Accounts of weather and climate conditions for the Souther ...[Read More]