

Lights, Camera, Abstract!: Your guide to creating a top-notch video abstract

Lights, Camera, Abstract!: Your guide to creating a top-notch video abstract

Have you ever considered creating a video abstract but didn’t know where to begin or felt you lacked the skills to produce something of the quality you envisioned? Join me today as I welcome EGU’s editorial manager, Eduardo Queiroz Alves, who will address common questions and guide you through the process. Hello, Eduardo! Thank you so much for joining me to discuss creating a video abstract. ...[Read More]

The EGU Science-Media Toolkit: your guide to overcoming science communication limbo!

The EGU Science-Media Toolkit: your guide to overcoming science communication limbo!

Your research deserves recognition beyond your peer-reviewed paper. While academia is often considered the hallmark for knowledge generation, the dissemination of your work should take further steps so that your scientific research can reach the people it is meant to help. Because your audience may not always be experts in your field and may require simplified explanations of your science, EGU are ...[Read More]

Congratulations to the winners of the best EGU blogs of 2023!

Congratulations to the winners of the best EGU blogs of 2023!

If you’re a regular reader of the EGU blogs, you may notice a certain annual tradition of ours: we like to celebrate the contribution of our science writers and bloggers over the year gone by. And 2023 was no exception of course; we had a number of inspiring and thought-provoking blog posts published across the EGU’s official blog GeoLog and division blogs. Thank you to each one of you for your ti ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: Fluvial geomorphology and its potential for policy impact

GeoPolicy: Fluvial geomorphology and its potential for policy impact

In this month’s GeoPolicy blog post, Dr Grace Skirrow outlines how researchers can share their expertise with environmental regulators to have policy impact and the role that fluvial geomorphology can play in policy decisions. Fluvial Geomorphology and why it is relevant for policymakers Fluvial Geomorphology (“fluvial”, derived from the Latin “fluvialis”, meaning “of the river”) is the study of l ...[Read More]