

Calling all photographers! Enter your fieldwork or labwork photo and win free registration to EGU26!

Calling all photographers! Enter your fieldwork or labwork photo and win free registration to EGU26!

Whether you work in the lab, the field, onboard an ocean vessel or using data from instruments hundreds of kilometers away, you probably know that feeling of taking a truly great photo of your experience as a researcher. If this is you then you are in luck as you have ONE WEEK LEFT to submit your photo to the EGU photo competition, and possibly win free registration to next years General Assembly! ...[Read More]

Congratulations to the 2024 winner of the first ever Geolog post of the year!

Congratulations to the 2024 winner of the first ever Geolog post of the year!

At EGU, we’re always looking for new ways to celebrate and amplify the voices of our community. That’s why I am thrilled to introduce the Geolog Top Blog Post of the Year Competition—a new initiative where we recognise the most impactful and engaging post from the past year. For our very first edition in 2024, we selected the top five performing blog posts and held an internal vote within the EGU ...[Read More]

Congratulations to the winners of the best EGU division blogs of 2024!

Congratulations to the winners of the best EGU division blogs of 2024!

If you’re a regular reader of the EGU blogs, you may notice a certain annual tradition of ours: we like to celebrate the contribution of our science writers and bloggers over the year gone by. And 2024 was no exception of course; we had a number of inspiring and thought-provoking blog posts published across the EGU’s official blog GeoLog and division blogs. Thank you to each one of you for your ti ...[Read More]

How to make a personal change this year: part 2 – growth

How to make a personal change this year: part 2 – growth

It is the new year and new resolutions draw you onward. Yet motivation is fickle, and too often good intentions wither before bearing fruit. You may have drawn a plan to keep you in check, but how do you build on this to achieve sustainable growth? Sustainable growth has been a crucial throughout my career: from projects management and scientific research to building a charity, all required the ab ...[Read More]