This month’s GeoEd post is brought to you by Dr. Mirjam S. Glessmer. Mirjam is a physical oceanographer, who during her PhD at GEOMAR Kiel, Germany, became more and more interested in understanding how people learn and hence did a Masters of Higher Education in parallel to her PhD. During her PostDoc at the University of Bergen, Norway, she became involved in teaching both university courses, teac ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Science in action – how will climate change affect Central Europe?
The effects of a warming climate are expected to be far reaching. Sea-level rise, and how it will affect costal settlements make regular headlines, and not without reason. However, climate change may have other less obvious but equally dangerous impacts; for example, take a look at this recent piece highlighting the increased risk of storms and droughts in mainland Europe. The area of Saxony-Anhal ...[Read More]
GeoPolicy: EGU sciences on debate at the European Parliament
The adoption of legislation within the European Union (EU) is a complex process involving many steps. In my first blog post in this GeoPolicy series I highlighted an example of this process. Several draft legislation pieces are currently being assessed within the European Parliament (EP) and Council of Ministers (Council) that have been influenced by EGU-related science. This blog post summarises ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Icy seasmoke
Today’s Imaggeo on Mondays image captures the eerie mood at Halifax Harbour, in Nova Scotia, Canada, on a sunny early morning. “The photograph captures rather unusual seasmoke surrounding a local commuter ferry with a number of other naval vessels in the background”, explains Helmuth Thomas, Professor at Dalhousie University (Canada) who took the snap back in February this year. Seasmoke is rather ...[Read More]