The EGU Kids Art activity normally happens in person in the creche at the conference centre during the general assembly (GA). We decided at the GA last year that the theme would be Volcanic Paint! Maike and I decided to move the activity online to hopefully bring a smile to a few of your faces – I know it has been bringing a smile to my face every day for the last week or so. We wanted to share as ...[Read More]
#shareEGU20: meet the EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives (pt3)!

Now #shareEGU20 has come to an end, division officers have changed and this includes the Early Career Scientists (ECS) Representatives. Time to meet them! Union-level and Deputy Union-level ECS Representatives Anouk Beniest and Anita Di Chiara Display "Anouk and Anita" from YouTube Click here to display content from YouTube. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display c ...[Read More]
#shareEGU20: Rhyme your research!!
On Monday 4th May, we hosted an online webinar for #shareEGU20 in which we invited participants to collaborate in writing geoscience poetry together. ‘Rhyme Your Research’ is a long-running short course at the EGU General Assembly, but this year marked our first foray into the digital environment. Over the course of an hour, 136 participants got together to draw pictures of each othe ...[Read More]
#shareEGU20: meet the EGU Early Career Scientist Representatives (pt1)!

Right now, many researchers and academics are worried that the current situation will negatively affect our careers. We are all searching for ways to minimize the impact of working from home, not being able to collect data or exchange thoughts with colleagues on a daily basis. But worries around the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on employment security are even worse for Early Career Scientists ...[Read More]