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Asmae Ourkiya

Asmae Ourkiya (They/Them) is the Media and Communications Officer at EGU. They manage press releases, coordinate press participation and the press centre at the EGU General Assembly, and write and manage the EGU blogs. Asmae holds a Ph.D. in queer intersectional ecofeminism from MIC, University of Limerick in Ireland. Their research revolves around climate justice, and promotes inclusion and equality in climate governance.

Tropical rainforest, the lungs of our planet, might be releasing more than just CO2!

Tropical rainforest, the lungs of our planet, might be releasing more than just CO2!

When I was thirteen years old, my family and I almost lost our lives due to a carbon monoxide (CO) leak. I never stopped thinking about that incident even though it happened over twenty years ago. Not only because it was a premature realisation of my own mortality, but also because of how sneaky it was: We did not smell it, see it, hear it, or feel it. It was a subtle and slow killer that could ha ...[Read More]

Ocean hypoxia: what does the increase of dead zones mean for marine life?

Ocean hypoxia: what does the increase of dead zones mean for marine life?

When runoff from farmland and urban areas enters our streams and rivers, it carries a heavy load of fertilizers and nutrients. These substances accumulate and flow into our coastal oceans, triggering a series of reactions that can create hypoxic ‘dead zones’. Dead zones are low-oxygen, or hypoxic, areas in the world’s oceans and lakes. Because most organisms need oxygen to live, very f ...[Read More]

Lights, Camera, Abstract!: Your guide to creating a top-notch video abstract

Lights, Camera, Abstract!: Your guide to creating a top-notch video abstract

Have you ever considered creating a video abstract but didn’t know where to begin or felt you lacked the skills to produce something of the quality you envisioned? Join me today as I welcome EGU’s editorial manager, Eduardo Queiroz Alves, who will address common questions and guide you through the process. Hello, Eduardo! Thank you so much for joining me to discuss creating a video abstract. ...[Read More]

Meet Marian Holness, EGU’s new Vice President

Meet Marian Holness, EGU’s new Vice President

Congratulations, Marian, on your new role as EGU’s Vice-President! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? I am a petrologist, currently working on problems related to the physical and chemical processes that occur during the solidification of magma. I have been a member of the Department of Earth Sciences, and a fellow of Trinity College, at the University of Cambridge for most of my career. ...[Read More]