For this year’s Photo Contest, EGU received scores of amazing images capturing a broad spectrum of the geosciences. After the selection committee whittled the field down to 10 finalists, members have been voting for their favourites throughout EGU22’s week-long conference. After an enthusiastic response from our online and on-site voters, we are now ready and very excited to announce the winners!
Congratulations to these superb photographers!
A peaceful sunset view of Byzantine engineering by Athanasios Serafeim
Sunset view of the Simonopetra (Greek: Σιμωνόπετρα, literally: “Simon’s Rock”) Monastery, on the southern coast of the Athos peninsula, in Northern Greece. The monastery, which was built during the 13th century, is located at an altitude of 300 meters from the sea level, on a granite rock hillside and is one of the most daring buildings of Byzantine engineering, as it is a seven-storey tower building. The whole peninsula is an UNESCO world heritage site and is protected since 1988.
Moving lights at night on mountain road at Stelvio Pass by Roberta Paranunzio
A car in the night breaks the calm and silent darkness of the mountains on the hairpin bends of the stunning Stelvio Pass in the Alps (Bormio, Italy). View from Stelvio Pass over the eastern side (Trentino-South Tyrol, Italy).
Wind against the waves by Melanie Biausque
Wind fighting waves in Norway, photo captured in winter.
Imaggeo is the EGU’s online open access geosciences image repository. All geoscientists (and others) can submit their photographs and videos to this repository and, since it is open access, these images can be used for free by scientists for their presentations or publications, by educators and the general public, and some images can even be used freely for commercial purposes. Photographers also retain full rights of use, as Imaggeo images are licensed and distributed by the EGU under a Creative Commons licence. Submit your photos at http://imaggeo.egu.eu/upload/.