With 2023 just around the corner, we asked EGU’s Life-Work Balance Group members what their New Year’s resolutions are, and we want to share them with you!
‘I live in the Arctic, where we don’t get much sunlight and the brightest part of the day I usually spend in my (windowless) office. I will make a better attempt to go outside for a quick walk, or to get some fresh air during the daylight hours.’ – Jenny Turton, science advisor in Tromsø, Norway.
‘My New Year’s resolution for a better Life-Work balance? To stop feeling guilty when I am not overwhelmed with work and deadlines, and profit from the offloading periods to rest and take care of myself. Being unproductive for a while is essential to recharge our batteries.’ – Silvia De Angeli, Fixed-term Assistant Professor in Genoa, Italy.
“My New Year’s resolution is to have a full lunch break at the time I schedule it, and eat enough healthy food. Currently, I too often postpone or split up my break because I “just want to get this done” or “this will only take a few more minutes”, which is not usually the case in honesty and leaves me unrested and unhappy for the rest of the day”. – Selina Kiefer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.
“My New Year’s resolution is to leave the office earlier and go for a walk to come back home, to relax myself, instead of taking the train because it’s faster and I always come back home too late”. – Saioa A. Campuzano, Post-doctoral researcher in Madrid, Spain.
‘I have two kids and they always catch a cold or another virus, especially during the first three months of the year. I will try not to work when they are at home (leaving the computer off and not reading a paper). Instead, I will take the time to rest as well: go outside and play with them throughout the day. This is also much better for my own immune system.’ – Rebekka Steffen, researcher in Geodesy at Lantmäteriet, Gävle, Sweden.
What’s your New Year’s Resolution for 2023? Share it with us on Twitter with the hashtag #NewYearNewBalance
This blog was written by the Life-Work balance group at EGU.