Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For November, the Divisions we are featuring are: Earth Magnetism & Rock Physics (EMRP), Geodynamics (GD) and Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS). They are served by the journals: Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) and Solid Earth (SE).
Geoscientific Model Development:
HORAYZON v1.2: an efficient and flexible ray-tracing algorithm to compute horizon and sky view factor – 28 November 2022
Terrain horizon and sky view factor are crucial quantities for many geoscientific applications; e.g. they are used to account for effects of terrain on surface radiation in climate and land surface models. Because typical terrain horizon algorithms are inefficient for high-resolution (< 30 m) elevation data, we developed a new algorithm based on a ray-tracing library. A comparison with two conventional methods revealed both its high performance and its accuracy for complex terrain.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics:
Quantifying methane emissions from the global scale down to point sources using satellite observations of atmospheric methane – 2 November 2022
Bayesian assessment of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) and halon banks suggest large reservoirs still present in old equipment – 16 November 2022
Effects of orbital forcing, greenhouse gases and ice sheets on Saharan greening in past and future multi-millennia – 9 November 2022
Ice core evidence for major volcanic eruptions at the onset of Dansgaard–Oeschger warming events – 21 November 2022
South American Summer Monsoon variability over the last millennium in paleoclimate records and isotope-enabled climate models – 23 November 2022
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences:
Bedrock depth influences spatial patterns of summer baseflow, temperature and flow disconnection for mountainous headwater streams – 4 November 2022
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences:
Invited perspectives: Views of 350 natural hazard community members on key challenges in natural hazards research and the Sustainable Development Goals – 11 November 2022
Comprehensive space–time hydrometeorological simulations for estimating very rare floods at multiple sites in a large river basin – 18 November 2022
Reliability of flood marks and practical relevance for flood hazard assessment in southwestern Germany – 25 November 2022
TermPicks: a century of Greenland glacier terminus data for use in scientific and machine learning applications – 7 November 2022
The impact of climate oscillations on the surface energy budget over the Greenland Ice Sheet in a changing climate – 14 November 2022
EGU science in the news – November 2022
- Scientists uncover new clues about the climate and health impact of atmospheric particles (Science Daily, Phys.org, News Explorer and Environmental News Network), based on EGU press release
- PermianMAP Final Report (Environmental Defense Fund) quotes a study published in the EGU journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
- Terrawatch: storms can cause landslides days later, scientists find (The Guardian), based on study published in the EGU journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
- China could cut methane emissions through monitoring, diet changes, experts say (Voice of America news), quotes a study published in an EGU journal
- Cloudy with a chance of cooling the planet (Popular Science), quotes a study published in the EGU journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
- Landslides can be triggered by small changes in atmospheric pressure (New Scientist), based on a study published in the EGU journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
- UND geologist unearths world’s oldest ice (University of North Dakota Blog), quotes a study published in the EGU journal in The Cryosphere
- Professor awarded €14 million grant to explore links between undersea volcanos and glacial cycles (The Harvard Gazette) mentions EGU’s Arthur Holmes Medal (Water World Magazine), based on a study published in the EGU journal Geoscientific Model Development