
GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during March!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during March!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we will be putting the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For March, the Divisions we are featuring are: Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI), Geodesy (G) and Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems (GI). They are served by the journals: Geoscientific Model Development (GMD), Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI) and Solid Earth (SE).

Featured highlights

Solid Earth:

Deep oceanic submarine fieldwork with undergraduate students: an immersive experience with the Minerve software – 21 March 2022

We use the Minerve virtual reality software to bring undergraduate students to an unusual field trip at 1200 m below sea level in the Lesser Antilles area. This region is located above an active subduction zone responsible for intense volcanic and seismic activity. In particular, we focus on the Roseau submarine fault that ruptured during the Mw 6.3 Les Saintes earthquake and presented a fresh scarp that the students can analyse and map in VR. They compile their results in a GIS project.



Other highlights

Annales Geophysicae:

Dynamics of variable dusk–dawn flow associated with magnetotail current sheet flapping – 9 March 2022


Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics:

Secondary ice production during the break-up of freezing water drops on impact with ice particles – 23 March 2022

A simple model of ozone–temperature coupling in the tropical lower stratosphere – 25 March 2022


Atmospheric Measurement Techniques:

Options to correct local turbulent flux measurements for large-scale fluxes using an approach based on large-eddy simulation – 11 March 2022

The ESA MIPAS/Envisat level2-v8 dataset: 10 years of measurements retrieved with ORM v8.22 – 28 March 2022


Climate of the Past:

The blue suns of 1831: was the eruption of Ferdinandea, near Sicily, one of the largest volcanic climate forcing events of the nineteenth century? – 16 March 2022


Earth System Dynamics:

Ubiquity of human-induced changes in climate variability – 2 March 2022

Balanced estimate and uncertainty assessment of European climate change using the large EURO-CORDEX regional climate model ensemble – 30 March 2022


Geoscience Communication:

Identifying community values related to heat: recommendations for forecast and health risk communication – 7 March 2022


Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences:

Modelling the volcanic ash plume from Eyjafjallajökull eruption (May 2010) over Europe: evaluation of the benefit of source term improvements and of the assimilation of aerosol measurements – 4 March 2022


The Cryosphere:

Brief communication: A roadmap towards credible projections of ice sheet contribution to sea level – 14 March 2022

Impact of the melt–albedo feedback on the future evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet with PISM-dEBM-simple – 18 March 2022

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Hazel Gibson is Head of Communications at the European Geosciences Union. She is responsible for the management of the Union's social media presence and the EGU blogs, where she writes regularly for the EGU's official blog, GeoLog. She has over 12 years experience in science communication with public audiences and a PhD in Geoscience Communication and Cognition from the University of Plymouth in the UK.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing information.


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