Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we will be putting the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For May, the Divisions we are featuring are: Geodynamics (GD) and Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics (EMRP). They are served by the journals: Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) and Solid Earth.
Featured highlights
Geoscientific Model Development:
A process-based evaluation of the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research Model (ICAR) 1.0.1 – 3 May 2021
This study conducts an in-depth process-based evaluation of the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research (ICAR) model, employing idealized simulations to increase the understanding of the model and develop recommendations to maximize the probability that its results are correct for the right reasons. The results show that when model skill is evaluated from statistical metrics based on comparisons to surface observations only, such an analysis may not reflect the skill of the model in capturing atmospheric processes like gravity waves and cloud formation.
JlBox v1.1: a Julia-based multi-phase atmospheric chemistry box model – 28 May 2021
As our knowledge and understanding of atmospheric aerosol particle evolution and impact grows, designing community mechanistic models requires an ability to capture increasing chemical, physical and therefore numerical complexity. As the landscape of computing software and hardware evolves, it is important to profile the usefulness of emerging platforms in tackling this complexity. With this in mind we present JlBox v1.1, written in Julia.
Other highlights
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics:
Evaluating stratospheric ozone and water vapour changes in CMIP6 models from 1850 to 2100 – 12 May 2021
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques:
Airborne measurements of oxygen concentration from the surface to the lower stratosphere and pole to pole – 14 May 2021
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences:
EGU Science in the News
A snapshot of recent English-speaking news coverage from around the globe based on research published in EGU’s 19 open access journals:
- Breaking waves and moisture transport drive extreme precipitation events, Scienmag
- How Mount Tambora and other volcanic eruptions inspired artistic masterpieces, Discover Magazine
- Glaciers and enigmatic stone stripes in the Ethiopian Highlands, Archaeology News Network
- Study shows the full extent of methane emission from both oil and natural gas, Nature World News
- World’s first fully automated sensor network for measuring urban greenhouse gas emissions, SciTechDaily
- Air pollution fell sharply during lockdown, World News Monitor