Image credit: Daniela Rapavá (distributed via
Alongside the regular scientific offer, some of our members have very kindly agreed to run activities online, so keep an eye out for them during the week! Today we are sharing Emily Mason and Maike Neuland’s digital version of the Kids’ Art Competition, read on to find out how you can get into our Kids Art Online Hall of Fame!!!

This years Kid’s Art theme is Volcanic Paint! Image created by Maike Neuland.
This year the EGU kid’s art activity is going online!
Every year at the GA we host an art activity in the creche and this year we’d like to keep it going virtually. The theme is ‘Volcanic Paint’, but feel free to use whatever materials are at your disposal to help your kids get creative – let their imaginations run away with them – to volcanoes and beyond! Throughout the week of EGU’s Sharing Geoscience Online (4-8 May 2020) we will be sharing art from kids through the EGU social media accounts and at the end of the week we will share the art in an online gallery on the EGU website!
If you would like us to share your children’s art please either send it a photo to this email address: or add
#shareEGUartKIDS to your social media post. Please add some details about the art (perhaps a title) and the artist, of course only details that you wish to share.
Deadline for featuring on the EGU website is 3pm on Friday 8th of May, after which we will post a specially gallery of selected work on the EGU Geolog page!
So what are you waiting for?! Get Volcanic Painting!!!
Due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, EGU has made the decision to cancel this year’s physical General Assembly in Vienna and instead offer a partial alternative meeting online, called #shareEGU20. Over the next few weeks in the run up to #shareEGU20, which will be held from the 4 – 8 May 2020, we will be posting regular updates and information about how to get involved, what EGU can offer during this week and how to find each other. We know that there will be many, many questions that people have, and we are learning how to do this right along with you, so please send us your questions over social media or by emailing or We’re looking forward to sharing EGU with you, online!