Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology


Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Estuarine Deposits

Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Estuarine Deposits

In recent months, I had the opportunity to work on a project analysing subsurface data from a rock sequence previously interpreted as the product of an estuarine depositional environment. The client sought subsurface maps to characterize the spatial distribution of various geobodies associated with sedimentary deposits typically found in modern estuaries. In other words, the goal was to reconstruc ...[Read More]

Fossilized Tree Trunks: Preservation in Continental and Marine Ancient Outcrops of Baja California

Fossilized Tree Trunks: Preservation in Continental and Marine Ancient Outcrops of Baja California

While working on the exceptional, but remote outcrops of Baja California, I have encountered an extraordinary quantity of fossilized tree fragments in Cretaceous deposits. These fossils were preserved in both subaerial, fluvial, and marine environments. Does this mean that preservation of tree trunks is easy? How can wood be preserved for more than 70 million years? What kind of information can we ...[Read More]