Picture of March

After 50 years of ocean explorations, scientists continue to rely on cored material from beneath the ocean floor. The material recovered during oceanographic expeditions constitutes, in fact, a great archive where to look for answers to unravel the Earth’s system history. Over the last decades, subsequent scientific ocean drilling programs (Deep Sea Drilling Project, Ocean Drilling Program, ...[Read More]
We are delighted to officially launch the blog of the Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology (SSP) division of the EGU! Our community is broad and interdisciplinary, and we hope to establish a platform for sharing up-to-date information on SSP related topics such as (but not limited to): Latest news, publications and reviews in SSP academic and applied research; Recent development in analyt ...[Read More]
Every geologist has heard at least once in his career the term unconformity and all its different flavours (e.g. disconformity, paraconformity, angular unconformity, etc…). These terms are part of the basic learning in geology, often taught during first year classes in Stratigraphy. Well, it seems we’ll have to add one term in these lectures: Xenoconformity! In a recently published paper, Carroll1 ...[Read More]