

A great success

The EGU General Assembly 2015 was  a great success with 4,870 oral, 8,489 poster, and 705 PICO presentations as well as 11,837 scientists attending from 108 countries. Please find more details at: Give us feedback To help improve improve the quality of the conference  and also your experience with EGU please provide your feedback at: Upload your pre ...[Read More]

A few reminders for EGU-GA 2015

A few reminders for EGU-GA 2015

With a few more days left for the kick off of the annual European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2015) , here is a quick-list to go through in time for EGU. First, read these two pages: Sunday 12th April: The Opening Reception, 18.30-21.00 in Foyer ...[Read More]

Afraid to present? Practice your talk at EGU

Many young scientists fear the worst during their presentation showdown. A special session is being held to give young speakers of Oral or PICO presentation to have one more chance to practice their talk, at the EGU complex itself! The session: Oral presentation feedback round is not only meant for people to practice their talk but also to gain feedback on how to improve their talk. The participat ...[Read More]

EGU 2015 short course: Seismology for non-seismologists

Do you have difficulty in understanding results inferred from seismological studies? A dedicated short course directed towards non-seismologists, with a particular focus for young scientists (graduate students and postdocs), is being held during this year’s EGU general assembly The main goal of the course is to provide an introduction into the concepts and methods in seismology and how they ...[Read More]