

To b, not to b, or to b with Voronoi?

To b, not to b, or to b with Voronoi?

The b-value is that parameter of the Gutenberg-Richter relation which controls the ratio of small to large earthquakes. Intriguing temporal and spatial variations of the b-value have been reported in recent years, for example sudden b-value changes at active fault zones. Are such sharp spatial b-value variations merely a result of crude undersampling? To address this unsettling question, a recentl ...[Read More]

Workshop: Software Writing Skills for Your Research

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences,  has just opened the registration for the workshop ‘Software Writing Skills for Your Research – Workshop for Novices’ planned on September 23-25, 2015. The workshop addresses the passing of software writing skills to young scientists, the next generation of researchers in the Earth, planetary and space s ...[Read More]

Six Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Earth Systems (including seismology)

Six new post-doctoral fellowships have been made available at the Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL), Lisbon, Portugal. IDL, an Associate Laboratory hosted by the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, is seeking 6 highly motivated post-doctoral fellows to integrate its research groups. IDL research covers broad range Earth System Science and its applications, in areas such as Meteorology, Climatology, ...[Read More]

1-PhD Scholarship in numerical modeling of the Iberian lithospheric structure and topographic evolution

Last-minute call among your students, since the deadline is June 29th at 15:00.  The full information for this position is available from the website Department of Structure & Dynamics of the Earth CSIC-Institute for Earth Sciences Jaume Almera Within the Framework of the research project: Modeling the Topographic Evolution of Iberia A geoscience project has been fund ...[Read More]