Groundwater is water stored within permeable geological formations, and nearly a third of Earth’s freshwater supply comes from this source (a). In Africa, the overwhelming majority of distributable freshwater is contained in groundwater, and in the EU, 75% of the population relies on groundwater (b). This dependence on groundwater is steadily rising. As humanity as a whole, figures out how ...[Read More]
Imaging volcanic perturbations induced by large earthquakes
In a study recently published in Nature Communications [1], an international team led by researchers from the Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP) has sought to better understand how the 2011 Tohoku-Oki mega-earthquake in Japan disrupted volcanic regions, by monitoring the seismic anisotropy in these regions before and after the earthquake. What is seismic anisotropy? A seismic wav ...[Read More]
Hackathon: when ideas happen
You live in a developing country and wish for access to safe drinking water [1]. Or, you are at the supermarket and want to jump the endless line at the checkout [2]. Maybe you are a business woman and want to confidently represent yourself as the professional you are [3]. Whether it be inspired by the best of intentions or simply the laziness of a shopper, an idea worth developing always h ...[Read More]
Hackathon in Zurich – ETH Team
A colleague, external partners and I organized a hackathon on permafrost which took place from 28/11/2019 to 01/12/2019. We tried not to follow the traditional competition-like hackathon approach, but wanted to foster interdisciplinary knowledge exchange and collaboration through working jointly on a predefined dataset. We targeted to bring together computer and environmental scienti ...[Read More]