In this blog contribution, Foivos Karakostas, Research Fellow in Seismology at University College London and incoming ECS representative of the EGU Seismology Division, explains how to become a member of the EGU Seismology ECS representatives team, why it is worth it, and what exciting opportunities await your participation in it. The journey of science is one of the most exciting adventures human ...[Read More]
AGU 2018
The AGU Fall Meeting: that other large geosciences meeting in the world. As every year, thousands of people burned their yearly share of carbon flying across the globe. Just like last year, the meeting was held on the East coast – but instead of balmy New Orleans, we found ourselves in somewhat chilly Washington DC. For those coming from Europe, this meant slightly less travel (as well as a slight ...[Read More]
Looking for 2019 Guest Writers
Do you like writing about Science, have an idea for a new blog post or just want to try your hand at science communication? You’re in the right place. The EGU Seismology Blog welcomes guest contributions from scientists, students and professionals in the Earth, planetary and space sciences for the 2019! If you want to get involved, contact the blog editor – Marina Corradini (corradi ...[Read More]
SeismoChat: How to disarm earthquakes

Solmaz Mohajder is a researcher at the Earth System Dynamics Research group of University of Tübingen in Germany. She has published an online database and an interactive map for active faults in Central Asia (Mohajder et al., 2016). More recently, Solmaz and her colleagues have compiled fault slip rates to investigate whether deformation rates from GPS and from geologic observations provide consi ...[Read More]