
Long read

From light to waveform: how fiber-optic cables can be repurposed as seismic arrays

From light to waveform: how fiber-optic cables can be repurposed as seismic arrays

What is Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and why is it exciting? Any observational seismologist would agree that our understanding of subsurface structure and dynamics is in great part limited by our ability to acquire data at the right locations, with the necessary spatial and temporal resolution. However, although our ultimate objective would be to cover the Earth with high-quality, broadband ...[Read More]

What’s it like to be black in academia?

What’s it like to be black in academia?

Maria, a member of our ECS team, recently interviewed Professor Christopher Jackson from Imperial College, London, UK. The idea of this interview arose after protests swept across the US, triggered by the murder of George Floyd. Resurfacing the recurring and unsolved issue of racial biases, these protests highlighted that fact that racial inequality is not only present in everyday life, but that i ...[Read More]