Less than a month to go to until EGU. Are you getting nervous about your blank poster draft? Is there a glimmer in your eyes thinking about the upcoming vEGU and do you have the urgent need to share it with somebody? Are you worried about whether you should use a .pptx, .odt or .pdf for your presentation? Do feel overwhelmed about the numerous sessions, talks, posters and activities? Are you unsu ...[Read More]
Git or Perish: First commit
Maria, a member of our ECS team, recently interviewed Dr Eric Daub from The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK. Here the Seismology ECS Team wants to know how we can do code better. Together. This is the first interview with software engineers explaining the importance of good practices in software development. Dr Eric Daub received his PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in compu ...[Read More]
Git or Perish

Tell me if this sounds familiar to you: Act I After a fruitful discussion with a colleague, you exchange codes and algorithms. You are happy because you are convinced you will save some time through this collaboration and you don’t need to develop the same codes yourself. Act II The drama unfolds slowly. Firstly, you search without success for a README file or instructions on how to execute ...[Read More]
What’s it like to be black in academia?
Maria, a member of our ECS team, recently interviewed Professor Christopher Jackson from Imperial College, London, UK. The idea of this interview arose after protests swept across the US, triggered by the murder of George Floyd. Resurfacing the recurring and unsolved issue of racial biases, these protests highlighted that fact that racial inequality is not only present in everyday life, but that i ...[Read More]