With only 10 days left for the kick off of the annual European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2016), here is a quick-list to go through in time for EGU. Please note that the Austria Center Vienna has implemented a new system of room numbers and level names. The major changes can be found here. First, read this page for information concerning activities for Early Career Scientists at the GA: h ...[Read More]
EGU 2016 short course SC55: Seismology for non-seismologists
Do you have difficulty in understanding results inferred from seismological studies? A dedicated short course directed to non-seismologists or early career seismologists, with a particular focus for young scientists (graduate students and postdocs), is being held during this year’s EGU2016 general assembly in Vienna. The main goal of this short course is to provide an introduction into some ...[Read More]
Great achievements of Adam M. Dziewonski
Through the IRIS community some sad news reached us today: Adam M. Dziewonski, Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, passed away 1st of March 2016. Dziewonski, a Polish-American geophysicist, was a GIANT in seismology. Among others, we owe him the first direct proof of the solidity of the inner core, and the Primary Reference Earth Model (PREM), which he built with Don Anderson, also recently ...[Read More]
Article submission and resubmission
Guest writer Kathrin Spieker is back with her thoughts and experience about how to improve writing skills specifically aimed for publishing in scientific journals. This post is part of a series. Kathrin is a young seismologist who has recently started publishing her own research as part of her PhD study. In a previous post (The publication circle) we had a closer look at the writing process, which ...[Read More]