When a PhD student publishes a new paper, of course he/she would like that other scientists will read the work. However, in a busy academic world with many institutional obligations, it might be hard to promote the work and the research you are performing. Social media and blogs, however, can play an important role in research visibility and therefore we can help you!
As Early Career Scientists of the EGU Seismology Division, we would like to hold an online survey to investigate who is following the EGU Seismology Division and is reading the EGU blog. In return we will introduce/promote the profile of those scientists that filled in the survey to help them with their research visibility. Via social media this may hopefully lead to potential inter-institutional collaborations. Of course also experienced senior researchers are invited to participate so that we can close the gap between PhD-students, Postdocs and senior seismologists.
If you are interested, please fill the form in below. This data will only be used to promote your research and will NOT be used for any commercial activities. If you have something new on seismology: e.g. a new paper, a new blog, some fun field-related story or newly-installed lab please let us know!
The online survey is an initiative of the Early Career Scientists of the EGU Seismology Division on behalf of Koen Van Noten (Royal Observatory of Belgium), Matthew Agius (University of Malta), Laura Ermert (ETH), Céline Hadziioannou (L-M University of Munchen) and Martin Mai (EGU Seismology Division President). Results of this survey will be released in different steps on the blog and the EGU Seismology Division Facebook page and at Division Meeting for Seismology at EGU General Assembly 2016.
By Koen Van Noten
Koen Van Noten is a structural geologist who completed his PhD at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and is currently holding a postdoc position at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. He primarily investigates the influence of site effects on intraplate earthquake strong ground motions by means of “Did You Feel It?” macroseismic data and near-surface geophysical techniques such as H/V Spectral Ratio analysis and Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Koen’s role as an early career scientist is to help (PhD) students in seismology, structural geology and near-surface geophysics to promote their results in various ways. You can reach him at koen.vannoten@seismology.be.
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