EGU Blogs



Paleogeography and the Northern Hemisphere Oceanic Gateways

Paleogeography and the Northern Hemisphere Oceanic Gateways

Eivind Straume a Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Geological Sciences within the Jackson School of Geosciences explores how the opening and closing ocean gateways have influenced the Earth’s climate in the past.   Changes in Earth’s geography due to tectonic plate motions and mantle convection influence climate evolution on geological timescales. Over millions of years, continen ...[Read More]

Atmospheric Sciences

Crowdsourcing air quality management data from: A pilot study in India

India is experiencing an “Air apocalypse” and the Global Burden of Disease study has estimated the death toll has reached 1.67 million in 2019. Almost 100% of the population is now exposed to PM2.5 level higher than WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations. However, common citizens are generally unaware of the seriously damaging effects of poor air quality, largely because of the lack of ad ...[Read More]

Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

ST-ECS networking campfire event

ST-ECS networking campfire event

The EGU Solar–Terrestrial physics (ST) division’s early-career scientist (ECS) team is organising a so-called Campfire event to gather the community together before EGU22 and promote networking among ST-ECSs. The event will be held on Zoom and will take place on Friday 18 March 2022 at 15:00 CET, for a duration of one hour. We will make use of breakout rooms to facilitate discussions in smaller gr ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

TS Must Read paper – Foreland Basin Systems, DeCelles & Giles (1996)

TS Must Read paper – Foreland Basin Systems, DeCelles & Giles (1996)

Foreland Basin Systems, by DeCelles and Giles (1996), expands the concept of foreland basin into the more comprehensive and integrative concept of foreland basin systems. Foreland basin systems can be defined, as per this TS must-read paper, as compressional regions where various tectonic forces lead to flexural responses of a variable wavelength, which may in turn lead to up to four areas with po ...[Read More]


SENSORChat: Go with the UPFLOW – detecting powerful motions deep within Earth’s interior

SENSORChat: Go with the UPFLOW – detecting powerful motions deep within Earth’s interior

“SENSOR” – stands for Seismological Experiments, Network Systems, Observations and Recovery In this blog series, curated by Chiara Civiero, we share news about recent or upcoming seismic experiments around the globe! Could you explain what your project is about? While downward mantle flow (subduction) is well constrained, a grand challenge in Earth sciences is to understand mid-plate, deep upward ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Time & space of glaciers

Time & space of glaciers

People usually perceive space and time, comparing them to their own life Words such as “forever” and “until the end” appear in fiction But how can we imagine the space and time of the mountain glaciers whose existence goes beyond our usual perception? And why is it so important for us now? With this post, researcher Alexandra Rogozhina shares her thoughts on these suggestive topics. Mostly, ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – Faulty Segments

The Sassy Scientist – Faulty Segments

`Segmentation fault’. One of the most annoying things ever to appear on our screens. Right up there with `fftw.h not found’. Compilation errors are the (rock-hard) bread and (rancid) butter of any of us that need to debug write codes. Tahina is deeply down the rabbit hole and asks: Why does my code not compile? Dear Tahina, I am assuming you already thoroughly searched Stack Exchange f ...[Read More]

Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

When weather extremes meet climate change: how do scientists attribute single events to climate change?

When weather extremes meet climate change: how do scientists attribute single events to climate change?

One of the main new points of the IPCC reports AR6 with respect to the previous ones is the increased confidence that global climate change induced by anthropogenic emissions is critically affecting the dynamics of weather extremes. For summer, and specifically over Europe, the AR6 report states that we are already observing prolonged periods of extremely warm conditions with increased droughts bo ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Timeline of historical highlights of the EGU Hydrological Sciences Division

Timeline of historical highlights of the EGU Hydrological Sciences Division

Do you know when the Hydrological Sciences Division had their first Early Career Scientist representative? Or who the division president was in 2016? Check the answers below, where we list these and other historical highlights over almost 20 years of the Hydrological Sciences (HS) Division. Overall, the most striking fact is certainly the steady growth and diversification of the community and the ...[Read More]


Do lower mantle slabs contribute in generating the Indian Ocean geoid low?

Do lower mantle slabs contribute in generating the Indian Ocean geoid low?

The Indian Ocean Geoid Low is an enigmatic phenomenon in geodynamics. Many brain-storming hypotheses have been proposed in the last few decades to explain this geoid low. One popular idea argues that the high density lower mantle slabs contribute to this geoid low. Recent discoveries have shown that low-density anomalies from the African LLSVP region could have a more substantial influence on crea ...[Read More]