EGU Blogs



Mantle, Mountains and Molluscs

Mantle, Mountains and Molluscs

Geodynamic models and landscape evolution models are becoming important tools to quantify the formation and development of paleogeographic features, contributing to our understanding of the patterns of biodiversity evolution. Earth, a dynamic system The Earth’s surface works as a dynamic system and is continuously sculpted through the geological timescale by weathering, wind, rivers, and many othe ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Call for new blog editors!

Call for new blog editors!

The Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology division of the European Geosciences Union is looking for two new blog writers that can join our team! We are a group of 16 early career scientists, coming from all over the world, and with different backgrounds. If you wanna know more about our team, and what we do during the year, have a look here! We are looking for individuals that like s ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

Multiple perspectives to understand multi-hazard risks. Why is it important to meet face-to-face when we could also meet digitally?

Multiple perspectives to understand multi-hazard risks. Why is it important to meet face-to-face when we could also meet digitally?

This summer the University of Vienna has hosted an inspiring summer school on multi-hazard risk management, bringing science outreach and research closer together. In this post, Till Wenzel provides some insights about the importance of face-to-face meetings to bring together multiple perspectives and better understand multi-hazard risks.   The summer school has been organized by the Vienna I ...[Read More]


A Day in the Life – Christopher Stringer

A Day in the Life – Christopher Stringer

This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others.  by Christopher Stringer, PhD researcher, School of Geography, University of Leeds Twitter: @sedsstringer    |    Email:  The sky was pink as the sun ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

The search for the Antarctic giants!

The search for the Antarctic giants!

The deep Southern Ocean is full of giants! Some of them scared the sailors for centuries, like the colossal squid or, as they called it, The Kraken. They thought it was a huge monster capable of sinking ships! Far from it, these giants ran away from us, and we still know very little about them! They live in depths where the light cannot penetrate, the largest ecosystem on Earth, the Deep-Sea! They ...[Read More]


Geo-Movie Cup 2023 – vote for your favourite!

Geo-Movie Cup 2023 – vote for your favourite!

Next week, brace yourselves for the grand unveiling of the most eagerly anticipated film competition of the year by the EGU Seismology ECS team! Never mind the prestigious Oscars and Golden Globes, the Geo-Movie Cup 2023 will be on level par in terms of movie eliteness. In a world saturated with endless sequels, Disney live action remakes and colossal franchise blockbusters, there exists a sub-gen ...[Read More]


T for temperature in seismic [T]omography and more

T for temperature in seismic [T]omography and more

Seismic tomography, a powerful geophysical technique, is like the Sherlock Holmes of the Earth’s interior. It helps us uncover crucial information about the lithosphere and mantle, including temperature and density distributions. Understanding these physical properties is vital for a wide range of geological applications, from identifying regions of strain localization to assessing geotherma ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

The role of citizenship in geosciences

My collection of passport stamps - from hjl at

When international scientists from countries with a very low gross domestic product (GDP) get together at the proverbial water-cooler, we don’t talk about the weather, we talk about immigration. The conversation topics can vary between navigating a new immigration system due to an upcoming move, issues with our institution’s international office or wondering whether we will be able to secure a tra ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Highlighted Paper: Breaking the ice – what’s new in modeling sea ice deformation

Highlighted Paper: Breaking the ice – what’s new in modeling sea ice deformation

  Most of the time when we speak or read about sea ice it is probably about its extent or thickness or the decline in both, or maybe even about the microorganisms living inside and underneath it. How sea ice breaks and deforms is normally not so much the topic of general discussions. This is actually a really important process that we do not know enough about, at the same time it is pretty co ...[Read More]

Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

ST-ECS Networking Campfire on “Time management strategies for research productivity”

ST-ECS Networking Campfire on “Time management strategies for research productivity”

Life in academia can be complex, involving handling multiple roles while developing and sustaining a successful career. Therefore, it can be challenging to balance research responsibilities with other commitments. Understandably, effective time management is essential for researchers to be productive and to achieve their goals, without sacrificing other important matters in life. The Early Career ...[Read More]