EGU Blogs



Geology Bites: Special Issue on Seismology

Geology Bites: Special Issue on Seismology

Geology Bites: Podcast conversations about geology with researchers making key contributions to our understanding of the Earth and the Solar System Since you are reading an EGU Blog, you must already know how remarkable the field of geology is. The subject matter stretches the imagination – with its almost cosmological timescales, processes operating on scales from the atomic to the continental, a ...[Read More]


What to expect from vEGU21: virtual General Assembly

What to expect from vEGU21: virtual General Assembly

This year, once again, the EGU General Assembly (GA) will be completely online. The 2021 GA will include all components of an in-presence EGU GA, such as sharing scientific content, connecting with your peers, making new contacts, attending short courses, etc. With the virtual GA looming in one week, it’s time for all attendees to finish (or start..) their scientific contributions and figure out h ...[Read More]

Climate: Past, Present & Future

Generation #polarprediction

Generation #polarprediction

More than 11 years ago, I joined the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) in Belgium as a teaching assistant. The 2007-2009 International Polar Year (IPY), a worldwide collaborative effort aiming at better understanding our polar regions, had just finished, and the scientific community was concerned about the sudden drop in the summer Arctic sea ice extent that had occurred two years befor ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

TS Must-Read – Armijo et al. (1986) Quaternary extension in southern Tibet: field observations and tectonic implications

TS Must-Read – Armijo et al. (1986) Quaternary extension in southern Tibet: field observations and tectonic implications

This contribution is a very detailed field report of the Sino-French expedition in eastern Tibet that took place in 1980-1982. Armijo and coauthors accurately analyse the different tectonic styles present in the north and south of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone, frequently defined as the “chord” joining the eastern and western syntaxes of the Himalayan orogen (Fig. 1). North of the chord, strike-s ...[Read More]


“State of the ECS”: Pre-EGU madness

“State of the ECS”: Pre-EGU madness

  Ciao, Ohh, March is already over, well it ended how it started… reading, writing, sleep, repeat, but I can see some light at the end of the tunnel of the paper 😆. This work will be the last part of my thesis, and of course, I will present it at #vEGU21, so stay tuned. Besides research, we ECS reps currently focus on the preparation of network activities for the general assembly. So if ...[Read More]




“SENSOR” – stands for Seismological Experiments, Network Systems, Observations and Recovery In this blog series, we share news about recent or upcoming seismic experiments around the globe! The first blog of the SENSOR series follows a young researcher, Dr. Andreia Pereira, from the Instituto Dom Luiz of the University of Lisbon, who is working on the AWARENESS project and has explained to me the ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

On snowmelt, water security, and a warming climate – Why solution-oriented research matters, now more than ever

On snowmelt, water security, and a warming climate – Why solution-oriented research matters, now more than ever

1 April 2015: for the first time on record, the chief of the California Cooperative Snow Surveys, Frank Gehrke, had no snow to measure at the Phillips Snow Course near Lake Tahoe at the end of the winter. This was in some ways unsurprising, as California had been in a drought since 2012. But drought was nothing new in the state, and this was the first time on record that snow was completely absent ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – Will You Be My Co-PI?

The Sassy Scientist – Will You Be My Co-PI?

In the landscape of very competitive scientific funding, and with STEM research teams sometimes having more people with the name ‘Ben’ than women, Pierre asks what no one dares to even think: Can I increase the chances for my proposal getting funded if I co-write it with a woman? Dear Pierre, The funding game is one of low-odds and it seems you are looking for a loophole. No judgement ...[Read More]

Atmospheric Sciences

What can we do to improve gender diversity in the workplace?

What can we do to improve gender diversity in the workplace?

The number of women in science and academia drops with each career step in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM fields). This systematic under-representation of women towards the top of the academic career path is called the “leaky pipeline”. In Germany about 50% of the students in mathematics and natural sciences are women, but there are only 20% of fem ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

The Volcano & the Ash cloud: Eyjafjallajökull eruption 11 years later

In the foreground there is a farm with a backdrop of a volcano is emitting large amounts of ash into the air.

11 years on from the infamous eruption and ash cloud that shut down the European airspace, there are parallels between current travel restrictions and another Icelandic eruption that’s currently in the news. 11 years ago the now infamous eruption of Eyjafjallajökull occurred. I remember that one, the ash cloud, right? Yes, that’s the one. The one that was all over the news, with stunning images of ...[Read More]