Ocean Sciences

Arvind Singh

Arvind Singh is an Associate Professor in the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmdedabad, India. He is working in the field of ocean biogeochemistry. Broadly, he is interested to estimate the rates of biological nitrogen fixation and primary production using enriched isotopes of nitrogen and carbon in the Indian Ocean. His interests also lie in understanding the role of environmental parameters on the variability in the N2 fixation rates and C:N:P stoichiometry in the ocean. @avarvind

Connecting the Networks for a better Understanding of the Ocean

Connecting the Networks for a better Understanding of the Ocean

Research in many scientific disciplines can be done singlehandedly by learning from the printed pages, solving complex equations and analyzing the data while sitting alone in an office. But observational ocean science research demands an involved team effort to get meaningful insights of the ocean. This is primarily because: The Ocean is vast – it is humanly impossible for anyone to conduct resear ...[Read More]