When reading fantasy novels, we are usually brought to worlds of elves, dragons, and epic battles, all surrounded by breathtaking magical forests, or castles above impervious cliffs. However, even fantasy stories take inspiration from the real world and its geology. Who does not remember the ascent of Mount Doom of Frodo and Sam, or the importance of Dragon Glass (Obsidian) in Game of Thrones? So, ...[Read More]
Become the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the GMPV Division!
The Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology division of the European Geosciences Union is looking for a new Early Career Scientist representative (ECS rep)! The outgoing rep (Giulia Consuma) will be standing down officially at the EGU General Assembly 2023, so this is your opportunity to take this role! Why become an early career scientist representative? Being the ECS rep for an EGU d ...[Read More]
The spinning life of early-career researchers – twirling until out of sync?
In the GMPV blog team we are a group of early career researchers (ECRs*) in their PhD or early postdoc stages. As ECRs we know that permanent positions in Academia are scarce and that we may face long postdoc careers, potentially entailing a rootless life for several years to come. In this blog, we highlight the other side of the ECR lives that fewer people know about, and that occasionally leads ...[Read More]
#EGU23 session in the spotlight: Seismic sources, signals and imaging on volcanoes: observations, laboratory experiments and modelling

The abstract submission deadline for the EGU GA 23 is approaching fast – 10th January, 2023!!! Before wrapping up 2022, please consider submitting your work to this exciting session that is being co-organised by SM and GMPV divisions. Check out below what the conveners had to say about their session: SM6.2 Seismic sources, signals and imaging on volcanoes: observations, laboratory experiment ...[Read More]