It’s Friday and after a long week of conferencing you’re now on the home straight, the final day of EGU 2023! The following are some suggestions for that last bit of GMPV content to to bring your conference to the perfect close:
Kicking things off first thing in the morning, there’s a big, exciting session on Volcanic processes: tectonics, deformation, geodesy, unrest with a loads of fascinating presentations covering everything from dyke propagation to inSAR monitoring and much much more. GMPV8.1 Talks 08:30–12:25 in Room D1 with posters 16:15–18:00 in Hall X2.
At 10:45 some of you may want to head over to Hall X2 where three GMPV sessions (details below) will be all having their poster sessions.
If neither of these is your sort of thing you might want to check out some of today’s short courses which include an Introduction to information theory which sounds like a fascinating and somewhat left-field way to look at geoscience information (08:30–10:15 Room -2.61/62). On at the same time is a workshop on Non-academic stakeholders and sectors: who are they, why should we care and how do we engage with them? which is sure to be of interest to many of you (08:30–10:15 Room -2.61/62). Then in the afternoon if you’re feeling like getting your hands dirty you might enjoy Using sculpturing to think and talk about GeoScience: A hands-on workshop (14:00–15:45 Room -2.33).
The geochronologically-minded among you will not want to miss this afternoon’s session on Quantifying rates of geological processes: techniques and applications of geochronology and thermochronology. The many exciting topics being presented on include probing early Earth geodynamics through zircon Eu anomalies, Ultra-slow cooling of ultra-hot orogens, and a talk that has to be my personal favourite title of this year’s meeting: Shocker: xenotime can date impacts. GMPV1.2 Posters 10:45–12:30 in Hall X2 followed by talks 14:00–15:45 and 16:15–18:00 in Room D1.
Alongside that this afternoon, will be a session dedicated to the Reykjanes Peninsula Fires, Iceland: precursors, nature and impact which will take in all aspects of the preceding unrest, dyke intrusions and eruption dynamics associated with the 2021 and 2022 Fagradalsfjall and Merardalir eruptions which captivated volcanophiles across the globe. GMPV8.7 Posters 10:45–12:30 in Hall X2 and online. Talks 14:00–15:45 in Room 0.14
Those of you excited by Icelandic eruptions will probably want to stay put following the coffee break, since the final session of the day is all about Linking modelling, experiments, and observations of magmatic systems from source to surface. Highlights here include a new 3D finite element magma reservoir simulator and Estimation of the Current Magma Intrusion Rate beneath the East Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany. GMPV7.3 Posters 10:45–12:30 in Hall X2, Talks 16:15–18:00 in Room 0.14
And with that the curtain closes on EGU 2023. For those of you sticking around in Vienna for the weekend, there’s time to grab a last slice of Wiener Apfelstrudel or check out some of the amazing art galleries. Otherwise have a great journey home!