Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology


Volcanism, anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, and mass extinctions

Volcanism, anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, and mass extinctions

Only a very small fraction of the energy produced by nuclear fusion in the Sun (3.82 x 1023 kW) reaches the top of the Earth’s atmosphere (1.7 x 1014 kW), and then only about 50% of it reaches the Earth surface, where it is absorbed by the oceans and land. This energy is radiated back as longwave infrared radiation, which is partially absorbed and after reradiated downward to the surface by the gr ...[Read More]

GMPV Campfires – Call for Speakers

EGU GMPV Campfires - Call for Speakers

GMPV Campfires – Call for Speakers   The EGU Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology ECS committee are currently looking for early career scientists to present at and attend our monthly online talk series (EGU Campfires).  The EGU Campfires are a free one-hour online seminar consisting of three to four 10-12-minute talks. These quick-fire presentations give you an opportunit ...[Read More]

A Geologist’s Dream Vacation: Exploring Europe’s Volcanic Wonders!

A Geologist’s Dream Vacation: Exploring Europe’s Volcanic Wonders!

Summer time can be stressful – you have plenty of things to do at work but at the same time you’re thinking about your next vacation all the time. This is at least how I was feeling, combined with some curiosity, I asked chatGPT to write a blog post about vacation destinations for geologist around volcanoes in Europe – here are the results, I hope you get inspired:  Calling all g ...[Read More]

Volcanoes and Corals: a journey to discover volcanic activity as seen from a coral perspective with Prof. Tom Sheldrake

Volcanoes and Corals: a journey to discover volcanic activity as seen from a coral perspective with Prof. Tom Sheldrake

What can corals tell us about volcanic eruptions? Is it possible corals, in the span of their lives, have recorded valuable data on volcanic eruptions they have witnessed? Today we find it out together with Prof. Tom Sheldrake, who takes us on a journey through coral reefs and volcanic eruptions, giving voice to what corals want to tell us about volcanic activity! Introducing Professor Tom Sheldra ...[Read More]