The EGU 2020 abstract submissions are now open for the next two months! Every few days, we will highlight a geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and/or volcanology session right here – great news if like me, you find choosing which session to submit to more difficult than choosing a decent movie on Netflix… Today it’s the turn of GMPV 4.4. Evolution of the Earth’s upper mant ...[Read More]
#EGU2020 Sessions in the Spotlight: Geochronology in hot and dynamic systems: approaches and tools to unravel the past
The EGU 2020 abstract submissions are now open for the next two months! Every few days, we will highlight a geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and/or volcanology session right here – great news if you are paralysed by indecision or overwhelmed by the number of sessions. Today it’s the turn of GMPV1.7, “Geochronology in hot and dynamic systems: approaches and tools to unravel the ...[Read More]
#mineralmonday: tiptopite
#mineralmonday: your weekly* dose of obscure mineralogy, every Monday** [*not guaranteed; **or possibly Tuesday-Sunday] What is it? Tiptopite: K2Na1.5Ca0.5Li3Be6(PO4)6(OH)2•(H2O) What’s it made of? Take a deep breath and recite after me: potassium, sodium, calcium, lithium, beryllium, phosphorus, oxygen and water (H2O). Is it pretty? Yes, it’s a beautiful fibrous mineral. You wouldn ...[Read More]
#mineralmonday : sengierite
#mineralmonday: your weekly* dose of obscure mineralogy, every Monday** [*not guaranteed; **or possibly Tuesday-Sunday] What is it? Sengierite: Cu2(UO2)2V2O8.6(H2O) What’s it made of? A few useful metals – copper (Cu), vanadium (V), uranium (U), plus oxygen (O) and water (H2O). So by ‘useful’ you mean ‘radioactive’? Pretty much. The main reason people have been ...[Read More]