Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology


A Geologist’s Dream Vacation: Exploring Europe’s Volcanic Wonders!

A Geologist’s Dream Vacation: Exploring Europe’s Volcanic Wonders!

Summer time can be stressful – you have plenty of things to do at work but at the same time you’re thinking about your next vacation all the time. This is at least how I was feeling, combined with some curiosity, I asked chatGPT to write a blog post about vacation destinations for geologist around volcanoes in Europe – here are the results, I hope you get inspired:  Calling all g ...[Read More]

Elemental etymology – what’s in a name?

Photo of a medieval medical manuscript translated from Arabic in the 2nd half of the 13th Century.

Like many scientists in the GMPV sphere, I work a lot with geochemistry – using chemical elements and their differing behaviours, abundances or isotopes as tools to understand Earth processes. While staring at the periodic table, something that’s always niggled at me is where the names of these come from: why is the stuff we breath called oxygen and the sand on the beach made of silicon? Even more ...[Read More]

The role of Geothermal Energy in the energetic and environmental challenge.

The role of Geothermal Energy in the energetic and environmental challenge.

How does a Geothermal system work?  Heat is a form of energy and, strictly speaking, geothermal energy is heat from inside the Earth. The large amount of thermal energy enclosed below the earth’s surface derives in part from its primordial formation process and in part originates from the decay of radioactive isotopes present mainly in the earth’s crust and, secondarily, in the mantle. ...[Read More]

Paper focus: Plumbing the depths of magma crystallization by Hugo Moreira and co-authors

Paper focus: Plumbing the depths of magma crystallization by Hugo Moreira and co-authors

Do you know when you stumble upon a very interesting paper, with a captivating title and you wish you could talk to the author(s)? Well, I did just that. It happens that I know the first author quite well, so I had no shame in contacting him and ask about it. One of his latest papers was published in Geology with the title “Plumbing the depths of magma crystallization using 176Lu/177Hf in zi ...[Read More]