2021 has been a year of great change for the Early Career Scientists (ECS) Committee of the GMPV Division. We have formed a new ECS team for the organization of our monthly GMPV Campfires, and recruited new members in the Blog and Social Media Team, with a total of 16 members!
Before introducing the new team, we would like to thank Emily Mason for her great work as ECS coordinator for the years GA/2019-GA/2021, and wish her the best of luck for a bright future! Moreover, we would also like to thank Mike Jollands for successfully running the GMPV Blog on his own for the past few years!
In the hope of meeting all of you in person at the General Assembly 2022, it’s now time to introduce the new GMPV ECS Team of 2021-2022!
Giulia Consuma – GMPV ECS Representative and chief organizer of GMPV Campfires
Hello everyone! I am Giulia and I have recently finished my PhD in petrology/geochemistry at the University of Bologna, which focused on using a multi-microanalytical approach to unveil the deep mobility of carbon and sulfur in fossil continental subduction zones. Soon, I will be joining the University of Western Australia as a post-doctoral research fellow to work on a BHP-funded project to investigate the volatile component signature of porphyry-style mineralisation. As the new GMPV ECS representative, I would like to promote a stimulating environment by encouraging the ECS community to be actively involved in GMPV. I will put my efforts into balancing the G-M-P-V spheres and will serve as a reference point for early career scientists. I am also the chief organiser of EGU GMPV Campfires, mostly aimed at early career scientists. Please get in touch through ecs-gmpv@egu.eu or via Twitter @GConsuma.
GMPV Social Media Team
Jesse Walters – Twitter manager
I am a postdoctoral researcher at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. My research focuses on redox processes in orogenic systems, with a particular focus on the mobilization of volatile, chalcophile, and siderophile elements in subducted oceanic and continental crust. A large part of my research also involves quantifying the conditions and timing of metamorphism through coupled thermobarometric and petrochronologic studies. In my spare time I enjoy hiking, board games, playing guitar, trying new foods, and going to metal concerts. Please feel free to contact me at walters@em.uni-frankfurt.de or on Twitter/Instagram @thegeojesse.
Luisa Chavarrìa – Facebook manager
Hola! I’m Luisa, and I’m a geologist with a master in Earth Sciences from Universidad EAFIT in Medellín, Colombia. My research projects have been focused on various topics that include the study of high-pressure minerals in impacted meteorites at the Institute for Planetary Materials in Japan or the analysis of the Jurassic subduction zone in the Northern Andes using geochemistry in plutonic rocks. I’m mainly interested in mineralogical and petrological processes. When I’m not doing geology, I enjoy folding origami cranes, reading, watching movies, practicing yoga and climbing. I want to hear about your interests or ideas to communicate science, so you can get in touch with me via the GMPV Facebook page or email me.
Sophie Baldwin – Instagram manager
Hi everyone! I’m Sophie and I’m in the second year of my PhD at the University of Edinburgh. My research looks at intraplate magmatic activity, more specifically, I’m working on an alternative mechanism to a deep-seated mantle plume at the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Outside of my PhD, I enjoy road cycling, swimming, hiking and cooking. I think science communication is really important and powerful and hope that I can help share and promote the exciting projects and endeavours that all of you who are involved in the GMPV EGU division are working on. I look forward to speaking to a lot of you soon and do send any contributions you would like to the ‘egu_gmpv‘ instagram account.
GMPV Campfires / Future Career / Short Courses
Francesco Giuntoli – Future career and short courses

Francesco – Future Career and Short Courses
I’m a post-doc researcher at the University of Bologna. My research is focused on the study of orogenic chains (Alps, Scandinavian Caledonides, Apennines), from the micro- to the macroscale. I am interested in investigating the interactions between deformation mechanisms and metamorphic processes. I reconstruct the tectonometamorphic evolution of polydeformed terranes to unveil mechanisms and processes responsible for the formation of orogens. To do so, I use multidisciplinary tools and skills deriving from metamorphic petrology, structural geology and geochronology, including fieldwork, petrographic and microstructural analyses, thermodynamic modelling, electron probe micro-analyser, electron backscattered diffraction analyses, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and Raman spectroscopy. You can contact me via mail.
Natasha Barrett – Campfires organizer
Hello GMPV! I’m Natasha, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. My research focuses largely on studying Re-Os isotopes and highly siderophile elements in Archean ultramafic cumulates, ophiolite peridotites, and mantle xenoliths to better understand mantle evolution and related geodynamic processes through time. I’m also involved in a lunar mapping project with the Center for Lunar Science and Exploration where we basically look for cool rocks astronauts can bring back to Earth. In my spare time I enjoy bouldering, playing tennis, and exploring coffee shops all around Copenhagen. You can find me at our monthly GMPV campfires or feel free to contact me via email. Hope to see everyone in person at EGU sometime in the near future 🙂
Eric Newland – Campfires organizer
Hi everyone, I’m a 3rd year PhD student at the University of Cambridge studying the fluid dynamics of submarine volcanic eruptions. I use a combination of analogue experiments in flow tanks and simple integral models to understand the controls on the dispersal of pyroclasts from explosive eruptions in the deep-submarine environment. In my spare time, I am trying to convert a VW T4 van into something that resembles a campervan and enjoy making electronic music. Please feel free to get in touch via email for any information on EGU Campfires or if you just fancy a chat about submarine volcanism!
Marco Knuever – Campfires organizer
Hi everyone! I’m a 3rd year PhD student in volcanology at the University of Bari. My research topic is the short-term (pre-/syn-eruptive) interaction of magma and carbonate-bearing wall-rocks and how it influences the eruption dynamics. This is a process that for example happens at Merapi (Indonesia) or Vesuvius (Italy). Within the GMPV ECS Team i will be co-organising the monthly Campfire talks. Besides science and especially volcanology, I love spending time at concerts and music festivals, cooking, doing sports or hiking. If you want to give a talk at the campfires or just get in touch, you can reach me via mail or Twitter (@MarcoVolc).
Jacqueline Grech Licari – Campfires organizer
Hi everyone! I’m a Maltese student currently reading for a Master’s degree in Geology at the University of Iceland, specializing in physical volcanology and geochemistry. My research project investigates the temporal evolution of shallow conduit processes during the phreatomagmatic episodes of the 1211AD Younger Stampar Eruption in SW Iceland via textural and geochemical analyses. Outside of my studies, I enjoy reading, hiking, travelling, playing badminton and trying all sorts of outdoor activities. I joined the GMPV community as I love networking and communicating science and there is no better way to do that than through the GMPV Campfires! I look forward to meeting you all. Please get in touch either via email or via Twitter (@GrechLicari).
GMPV Blog Team
Franziska Keller – Chief blog editor
Hola together! I’m Franzi, a 3rd year PhD student in magmatic petrology/ volcanology at ETH Zürich in Switzerland. My research mainly focuses on the understanding of long-term petrological cycles in silicic systems in Japan. When I’m not in the lab or bound to my PC desperately trying to understand my data, I enjoy hiking or snowboarding in the beautiful Swiss Alps just right in front of my doorstep. Alternatively, I love exploring new places and trying out new things in general. As editor of the GMPV blog I’m aiming to not only make a balance between the different GMPV spheres, but also to raise awareness of some inequalities still prevailing in our disciplines. If you are interested in writing a blog post or have cool ideas, you can contact me any time via mail or twitter (@FranziKeller_).
Simona Gabrielli – Blog editor
Hello everyone! I’m Simona, a postdoc at INGV in Rome, working on tomographic imaging in volcanic and tectonic settings, looking for magmatic chambers and/or fluid-fault interactions. When I’m not looking at seismograms, I annoy my neighbours by singing musical theater songs and relaxing by doing yoga. You can find me on twitter (@geosimo27) or via email.
Camilla Imarisio – Blog editor
Hi everyone! I am a publishing professional working in Open Access publishing for Earth and Environmental Science. In my previous life I completed my PhD studies at Royal Holloway University of London, spending my days looking at crystal cargoes to better understand magma mixing, mingling and crystal mushes. I love science communication and outreach, and you can often find me volunteering and basking in the halls of the Natural History Museum in London. In my free time I also play volleyball, hike (preferably on volcanoes), read and make pizza. You can reach me via email or on Twitter (@VolCamilla).
Elliot Carter – Blog editor
Hi everyone! I’m a postdoc at Trinity College Dublin, working on the geochemistry of basalts from the North Atlantic Igneous Province to understand what’s going on in the mantle during the initiation of this and other large igneous provinces. I’m also very interested in volatiles and fluid-rock interactions in mafic and ultramafic systems. When I’m not smashing up rocks, I’m happiest cycling around and drinking strange beers. You can find me on twitter @elliotjcarter.
Alessandro Musu – Blog editor
Hi Everyone, I am Alessandro, I am a 3rd year PhD student in Petrology and Volcanology at the University of Geneva. My research focuses on understanding the link between deep magmatic processes and zoning patterns in minerals through both experimental and statistical approaches. I’m very passionate about volcanoes and outreach and I’ve recently been enjoying making a podcast about volcanoes @volcano_watch! More in general, when I’m not melting rocks, I like to listen to and compose music, cook but also and above all eat, go hiking and occasionally climb a bit and last but certainly not least share a good glass of beer with other people. You can find me on twitter (@MusuAlessandro) or via email.
Manuel Dos Santos Pimenta N. Da Silva – Blog editor
I am a PhD student at the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zürich. My research focusses on the gabbro-tonalite interaction at shallow crustal levels in arc settings. I am integrating field, geochemical, and experimental methods to constrain the viability and extent of cannibalisation of gabbroic cumulates and its potential role in the differentiation of calc-alkaline magmas at convergent plate margins. I am part of the GMPV blog team as an editor and you can reach me via e-mail.
Niamh Faulkner – Blog editor
Hello everyone, I am a PhD researcher in Environmental Geochemistry in Trinity College Dublin. I study the synthesis of carbonate minerals for applications in carbon capture and storage, working predominantly with techniques like X-ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy. I am a Dublin local, and when I’m not in work I love sailing and sea swimming in Dublin’s gorgeous swimming spots, not to mention enjoying a creamy pint of Guinness. I am particularly interested about geoscience applications in the field of climate change mitigation. You can get in touch with me via e-mail or find my tweets at @NiamhFlknr_Geo.
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