The GMPV Campfires will take a summer break and will be back in September!
We would like to thank all the speakers for sharing their science with the GMPV community and all the attendees for participating and helping to improve the discussion so far. Our goal is to create a network of early career scientists, both within GMPV and among EGU Divisions, so your contribution is precious! Let’s keep supporting the work of young researchers around the world!
We are now planning the next Campfires to be held from September. The future dates of 2021 are listed below:
- 15 September 2021: General Format
- 13 October 2021: Special Edition ‘Subduction Zones’
- 10 November 2021: General Format
- 15 December 2021: Special Edition ‘Experimental Petrology’
We’re looking for new speakers! No matter what career stage you are at, we want to hear about your science. You can sign up to give a live GMPV ECS talk in one of our future events using this google form: https://forms.gle/1fZSTeZZWM6aphLm9.
If you have already signed up you will be contacted soon!
Your opinion is precious to us! Please, give us FEEDBACK on any of our talks here.
If you need more information about the GMPV Campfires (i.e. General Format vs. Special Edition) you can check out the blog post here or reach out to us via email ecs-gmpv@egu.eu.
Looking forward to hearing more about your research!
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