The EGU 2020 abstract submissions are now open for the next two months! Every few days, we will highlight a geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and/or volcanology session right here – great news if you are paralysed by indecision or overwhelmed by the number of sessions.
Today it’s the turn of GMPV1.7, “Geochronology in hot and dynamic systems: approaches and tools to unravel the past”, convened by a team covering three continents (Silvia Volante (Curtin University), Alex Prent (John de Laeter Centre-Curtin University), Mahyra Tedeschi (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Massimo Tiepolo (University of Milan) and Jan Wijbrans (Vrije University)). The invited speakers will be Paola Manzotti (Stockholm University) and Urs Schaltegger (Université de Genève)
From the convenors:
The powerful combination of high-resolution geochronological data with petro-structural analysis, is continuously progressing our understanding of orogenic processes within the Earth’s dynamic lithosphere. Moreover, the development of new techniques and improvement of analytical equipment inspire future progress and development.
Despite being a powerful tool, geochronology of major and accessory minerals requires careful interpretation. The interplay of temperature, water and melt-content in magmatic and (ultra)high-temperature ((U)HT) metamorphic systems potentially affects geochronometers. Additionally, direct ages from time capsule minerals can be interpreted in different ways. For these reasons, reliable interpretation of geochronological data, essential to decipher the tectono- magmatic and metamorphic evolution of an orogenic system, is improved by using multiscale and multi-disciplinary approaches that complements geochronology with field observations, structural analysis, petrography, geochemistry, and petrology.
This session aims to highlight recent achievements and considerations in geochronology applied to igneous and (U)HT-metamorphic rocks from dynamic systems (orogens). We welcome contributions in which geochronology is coupled with petrology, major, trace elements and isotope geochemistry, thermodynamic modelling, and structural geology.
So if you think it’s time to think about time, or you have simply adore the ZrSiO4 (read: zee-ar-ess-i-oh-four, so it rhymes 🙂 ), then submit your abstract here, and have a great time in Vienna!