This blog post is a throwback to last year’s theme, “A Day in the Life of a Geomorphologist!” Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily ( or Emma (, if you’d like to contribute on this topic or others. by Bastian Grimm, Doctoral Student, Giessen University, Germany Email: Hi, I’m Basti! I’m currently pursu ...[Read More]
A Day in the Life – Andreas Ruby
This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others. by Andreas Ruby, Doctoral Researcher, GFZ Potsdam, Germany Email: Hi, I’m Andi, and it still feels quite fresh, but as of now I’ve already ...[Read More]
A Day in the Life – Gerald Raab
This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others. by Gerald Raab, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada Twitter: @gr_science | Email: Chasing landscape chronometers Someh ...[Read More]
A Day in the Life – Bartosz Kurjanski

This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others. by Bartosz Kurjanski, Lecturer, University of Aberdeen, UK Twitter: @iceice_bartek | Email: Shifting sands… but underwater. Hi, my name is ...[Read More]
A Day in the Life – Riccardo Reitano
This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others. by Riccardo Reitano, PostDoc Researcher, University of Rome “Roma Tre” Email: So, this is how I live now. Well, luckily, this is just h ...[Read More]
A Day in the Life – Christopher Stringer
This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others. by Christopher Stringer, PhD researcher, School of Geography, University of Leeds Twitter: @sedsstringer | Email: The sky was pink as the sun ...[Read More]
A Day in the Life – Rachel Oien
This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others. by Rachel P. Oien, Glacial Geomorphologist, Postdoctoral Fellow, University at Buffalo, NY (Remotely based in the UK) Twitter: @rpassig1 | Email: dr.rpoien@gmai ...[Read More]
A Day in the Life – Emily Bamber

This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others. by Emily Bamber, PhD Student, University of Texas at Austin Twitter: @Bambi_in_Space | email: A Day in the Life of Geomorphologists in Par ...[Read More]
A Day in the Life – Márton Pál
This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute. Márton Pál, Cartographer, Earth Scientist, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Budapest, Hungary How can we visualise spat ...[Read More]
A Day in the Life – John Hillier
This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others. post by John Hillier, Reader in Natural Hazard Risks, Loughborough University (UK) I am sitting at my kitchen table, at home. Children’s pictures ...[Read More]