In the previous post of this series, we learned how we can use satellite radar altimetry to retrieve highly accurate estimates of global sea level changes. If only reading “sea level” triggers your climate anxiety – we got you covered! In this post we will introduce you to three more applications of radar altimetry, where the first two are not directly connected to climate change. Instead, w ...[Read More]
Calculating postglacial sea-level change within few seconds: a statistical emulator for GIA

Sea-level change serves as a direct indicator of climate change with profound implications for coastal areas. Since 1900, the global mean sea level (GMSL) has risen over 20 cm, leading to beach erosion, delta inundation, and increased flooding worldwide. Over glacial cycles spanning tens of thousands of years, interactions between ocean and continental-scale ice sheets can cause GMSL to fluctuate ...[Read More]
Postdoc Diaries: Challenges of Postdoc Life
Hello, it’s us again! Coming back from the holidays, there couldn’t be a more fitting way to kick off a new blog season than by delving into the world of postdocs or to put it more precisely, by stepping into the shoes of a postdoc. As we try to reacquaint ourselves with our daily routines, I think it’s a perfect moment to empathise with those navigating postdoctoral life’s uniqu ...[Read More]
What’s up for geodesy during the upcoming EGU23?
It’s this time of the year again when we all try to meet up in Vienna and talk about our latest scientific results and more importantly network with old and new colleagues. The EGU General Assembly (GA) will be a hybrid meeting this year again: (v)EGU23. There will be scientific sessions with the usual oral and poster presentations as well as Pico sessions, networking opportunities and short cours ...[Read More]