Energy, Resources and the Environment


The EGU Submission Deadline is coming!

Hello fellow scientists!

We hope you had a good start of the new year: may it be filled with plenty of exciting new research 🙂

As a quick reminder, the EGU abstract submission deadline is this week: on Wednesday the 7th of January at 13.00 CET. Don’t forget to submit your abstract to one of our ERE sessions and share your interesting work with us!

You can submit your abstract via the EGU website.

Good luck and we hope to see you in April!

The ERE Committee

Flying EGU colours by Suzanne Voice (source: ImagGeo)

Flying EGU colours by Suzanne Voice (source: ImagGeo)

Welcome to ERE Matters!


As of this month, the ERE Division has its own blog: ERE Matters – matters of the ERE Division, because Energy, Resources and the Environment matter!

Here we will keep you up to date on all ERE-related activities, at the EGU and elsewhere. Also you can find links to our Energy Procedia special issues and contact details. If you have something that you would like to share, whether it’s a post on your research, your latest publication or an interesting conference, please send us an email at

With the abstract submission deadline for the EGU General Assembly 2015 nearing (January 7th 2015, to be exact), we would like to draw your attention to the ERE Program. We decided to re-organise the various subprograms and we hope that this will make it easier to find a session suitable to present your work!

See you all next year in Vienna.

— The ERE Committee: Chris, Michael, Suzanne, Viktor, Maria, Hermann and Sian —

ERE Program

(image: ‘Alpine massifs above low level haze’ by Hans Volkert, via ImagGeo)