Energy, Resources and the Environment


What to see at EGU?: Words on Wednesday – The Green River Natural Analogue as A Field Laboratory To Study the Long-term Fate of CO2 in the subsurface

Words on Wednesday aims at promoting interesting/fun/exciting publications on topics related to Energy, Resources and the Environment. If you would like to be featured on WoW, please send us a link of the paper, or your own post, at

If you are interested in today’s WoW, some of the results will be presented during the EGU in session ERE5.2 Field methods and analysis of field data for CO2 geological storage, on Thursday at 15.30h in room R8. So go check it out! 🙂


Busch, A. Kampman, N. Hangx, S.J.T., Snippe, J., Bickle, M. Bertier, P., Chapman, H., Spiers, C.J., Pijnenburg, R.Samuelson, J. Evans, J.P., Maskell, A., Nicholl, J., Pipich, V., Di, Z., Rother, G., Schaller, M., 2014. The Green River Natural Analogue as a field laboratory to study the long-term faith of CO2 in the subsurface. Energy Procedia 63, 2821-2830.


Understanding the long-term response of CO2 injected into porous reservoirs is one of the most important aspects to demonstrate safe and permanent storage. In order to provide quantitative constraints on the long-term impacts of CO2-charged fluids on the integrity of reservoir-caprock systems we recovered some 300m of core from a scientific drill hole through a natural CO2 reservoir, near Green River, Utah. We obtained geomechanical, mineralogical, geochemical, petrophysical and mineralogical laboratory data along the entire length of the core and from non CO2-charged control samples. Furthermore, we performed more detailed studies through portions of low permeability layers in direct contact with CO2-charged layers. This was done to constrain the nature and penetration depths of CO2-promoted fluid-mineral reaction fronts. The major reactions identified include the dissolution of diagenetic dolomite cements and hematite grain coatings, and the precipitation of ankerite and pyrite and have been used as input for geochemical 1D reactive transport modelling, to constrain the magnitude and velocity of the mineral-fluid reaction front.

In addition, we compared geomechanical data from the CO2-exposed core and related unreacted control samples to assess the mechanical stability of reservoir and seal rocks in a CO2 storage complex following mineral dissolution and precipitation for thousands of years. The obtained mechanical parameters were coupled to mineralogy and porosity. Key aim of this work was to better quantify the effect of long-term chemical CO2/brine/rock interactions on the mechanical strength and elastic properties of the studied formations.


Entrada formation from surface to top Carmel Fm with CO2-charged sandstone layer, overlain by a low permeability clayey siltstone showing bleaching and CO2 reaction features. A sharp contact between bleached and unbleached is observed.

Entrada formation from surface to top Carmel Fm with CO2-charged sandstone layer, overlain by a low permeability clayey siltstone showing bleaching and CO2 reaction features. A sharp contact between bleached and unbleached is observed.

What to see at EGU?: Young Scientist events

Within a week the EGU General Assembly will kick off! This year the topic will be A Voyage Through Scales. For those that will attend for the first time, the scale of EGU itself may be impressive enough already. So how do you decide where to go? Here we hope to point you to a few interesting sessions, in case you get completely lost.

To start with, there are a number of interesting events for Young Scientists. For you! 🙂


Ice Breaker Reception

On Sunday evening the EGU General Assembly 2015 will be kicked off with the Ice Breaker Reception, at 18.30h in Foyer E. A gathering point for young scientists provides the opportunity to meet like-minded fellows, especially if it is your first time at the General Assembly or you are coming alone.

The Young Scientist Forum

The YS Forum takes place on Tuesday at 12.15 to 13.15h in room G8. Come along and meet your young scientist representatives, find out what the EGU does for young scientists and take the chance to become more involved in the Union. This forum is a great opportunity to let us know what you would like from the EGU, find out how you can get involved in the Assembly and meet other scientists in the EGU young scientist community.

Young Scientists’ Lounge

For the Young Scientists, on the Red Level of the conference centre you can find a place to take a break, grab a free coffee or soft drink and gather your thoughts away from the buzz of the Assembly. The lounge is also a great place to catch up with colleagues you haven’t seen in a while and perhaps strike up a new collaboration. On the notice boards you can find information about cultural activities on offer in Vienna. There is also the opportunity to provide feedback via suggestion boards.

Young Scientists Lounge

Young Scientists’ Lounge

Young Scientist Reception and Medallist Reception

To bring together Young Scientists and past EGU-medallists, there will be a reception with drinks and light snacks. The reception take place on Tuesday 14 April, from 19:00 to 20:30 in room Y1.

This networking reception will provide an informal setting in which scientists can establish links with outstanding early career researchers and established scientists; offering an opportunity for young scientists to find answers to specific questions, which often cannot be found in your usual textbook. It offers a great opportunity for medallists to share their experience with researchers embarking on their academic career. To attend the reception, you need to register for the event in advance via this online form. Places at the reception are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Your place is guaranteed only once you receive a confirmation email from the EGU Communications Officer, Laura Roberts.

Sessions for YS at the General Assembly

In addition to the above networking events, there are a number of other sessions catering the YS. A short list of these sessions with a strong YS focus can be found here. Of special interest are the two career workshops, focussing on: 1) Adding value to your research experience, and 2) Job applications and interviews. Note that you must register for the workshops in advance via the links provided!

What to see at EGU?: A Voyage Through Scales

Within a week the EGU General Assembly will kick off! This year the topic will be A Voyage Through Scales. For those that will attend for the first time, the scale of EGU itself may be impressive enough already. So how do you decide where to go? Here we hope to point you to a few interesting sessions, in case you get completely lost.

A number of events will take place concerned with this year’s theme: A Voyage Through Scales. Zoom into a cloud. Zoom out of a rock. Watch the volcano explode, the lightning strike, an aurora undulate. Imagine ice sheets expanding, retreating – pulsating – while continents continue their leisurely collisions. Everywhere there are structures within structures … within structures. A voyage through scales is an invitation to contemplate the earth’s extraordinary variability extending from milliseconds to its age, from microns to the size of the planet. The range of scales in space, in time – in space-time – is truly mindboggling. Their complexity challenges our ability to measure, to model to comprehend.


Lectures for a general geoscience audience (GL)
Theme exhibition

To illustrate this year’s theme, there are four exhibitions interpreting ‘A voyage through scales:

  • The scales of the General Assembly: experience the evolution of the conference during the week; space, time, and volume – the EGU2015 in numbers.
  • The scales of peer review: experience a voyage through the interactive quality assurance of EGU’s journals; space, time, and volume – watch peer review from a different perspective.
  • The scales in EGU journals: experience the beauty of science through the lens of our publications; impressions from this year’s photo book.
  • The scales in art: experience the dialogue between science and art; watch the artistic interpretation of the theme developing over the week.
Cover of the photo book for A Voyage Through Scales

Cover of the photo book for A Voyage Through Scales

Photo book

A high-quality photo book has been compiled and will be presented at the Assembly. Through the lens of our journals, scientists write about scaling in their disciplines and visualize their work through beautiful photos. The book is published by EGU and Edition Lammerhuber and will be handed-out to the participants upon registration.

Geomorphology Re-blog: Our EGU session died, what went wrong?

The EGU General Assembly 2015 is approaching, and with that a whole bunch of interesting new talks, posters and sessions! Or not!? What do you do when your proposed session has died because it simply did not attract enough submissions? Sabine Kraushaar did some session soul-searching and shared her advice on the Geomorphology Division Blog. Here’s what happened…


“Have you ever had this experience? You develop a session which you think could be such a great platform or a subject that definitely interests a lot of people and then only a few people register…this happened to Jan, me, and several others this year and our proposed sessions (GM1.2 Emerging research fields in geomorphology and GM 1.4 Data wealth versus data poverty – new strategies for geomorphic research in a disparate world) died before they really came to life.

Andreas Lang (EGU Geomorphology President) offered advice when he told us the news and we wanted to share his ideas and comments with you and sincerely hope that they will help everyone to kick off his or her session ideas in the future! THANK you Andreas for the interview!!!”

'Borrowed' from the Geomorphology Blog

‘Borrowed’ from the Geomorphology Blog


Curious? Read the whole post here! 🙂