As an Early Career Scientist you are eligible to apply for financial support to travel to the EGU General Assembly 2016. Financial support includes a registration fee waiver and a refund of the Abstract Processing Charge (APC) related to the abstract for which support was requested. Additionally, financial assistance towards travel expenditures may be provided at the discretion of the support selection committee to a maximum of €300.
To apply submit your abstract by Tuesday 1st December!

Sian Loveless is Early Career Scientist representative for the Energy Resources and Environment Division of the EGU. She is a Hydrogeologist at the British Geological Survey. Following her PhD Sian spent two years working in the Geothermal Energy sector in Belgium. She completed her PhD on the hydrogeological properties of faults in sediment, at the University of East Anglia, during which time she undertook a policy internship at the Centre for Science and Policy. Her BSc was in Environmental Earth Science.