Climate: Past, Present & Future

Francisco José Cuesta-Valero

Dr. Francisco José Cuesta-Valero is a research associate in the Climate & Atmospheric Sci-ences Institute at St. Francis Xavier University. His recent Ph.D. dissertation at Memorial Uni-versity was focused on assessing the simulated Earth’s heat inventory by advanced global climate models, as well as in retrieving information about past changes in continental heat storage and ground surface temperatures from subsurface temperature profiles. Twitter: @fjcuestavalero.

Feeling the Heat: The Grilled Earth

Feeling the Heat: The Grilled Earth

Nowadays, there are plenty of media reports about the impacts of climate change around the world. Glaciers are disappearing, gigantic craters form in Siberia as the previously frozen ground thaws, the sea is threatening to swallow entire islands, floods cause large damages to people and economy, heat waves periodically destroy crops and can reach dangerous levels for people’s health. And this is o ...[Read More]