Climate: Past, Present & Future

Dr. Franziska Lechleitner

Dr. Franziska Lechleitner is a Senior Research Assistant at the Laboratory for the Analysis of Radiocarbon with AMS (LARA) of the University of Bern, Switzerland. She is a geochemist using a range of methods to understand climatic conditions and their influence on terrestrial ecosystems at present and in the past.

From mountains to caves: How I found my research niche

From mountains to caves: How I found my research niche

What makes you unique as a scientist? Most of us are confronted with this question sooner or later in our career, for example when applying for jobs or research grants. The answer is not always easy, especially for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) still developing a strong scientific profile. For me, being able to clearly identify my research niche has been a long process that involved developing i ...[Read More]