EGU Blogs



Imaggeo On Monday: The Ω shaped Voidokilia beach

Imaggeo On Monday: The Ω shaped Voidokilia beach

Voidokilia beach is located on the Ionian coast of Messinia, in the southwestern part of the Peloponnese region, in Greece. While it is famous for its round shape reminiscent of the Greek letter Ω, it is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the Mediterranean. It is separated by a strip of dunes from the lagoon of Gialova, which was created due to both tectonic activity and sea level ris ...[Read More]


Introducing the new blog team!

Introducing the new blog team!

It’s that time of year again! Another EGU General Assembly has passed. Another EGU Geodynamics blog team has been assembled! Now with a blog team bigger than ever! Whoohoo! So let me introduce you to the amazing blog team of 2022-2023 who will start blogging in earnest from next week onwards. If you are interested in joining yourself or want to reach out to anyone from the blog team, donR ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Ocean Views from St Georges

Imaggeo On Monday: Ocean Views from St Georges

North View from Railway Trail at St Georges island in Bermuda. Photo taken with a GoPro and a wide-angle lens 16-34mm, while walking on my way for groceries at St Georges from the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences. Description by Josue G Millan, after the description on   Imaggeo is the EGU’s online open access geosciences image repository. All geoscientists (and others) can ...[Read More]


EGU22: Discover your inner research poet!

EGU22: Discover your inner research poet!

A long time ago, a unique friendship formed between two researchers at a scientific conference. At first, they appeared to have one amusing thing in common: being the only two people to wear a bow tie at the EGU General Assembly. They soon also discovered their mutual appreciation for science and poetry, and before long, a new idea took shape: could they inspire scientists to write poetry? Togethe ...[Read More]


EGU22: Rethinking (geo)scientific conferences today

EGU22: Rethinking (geo)scientific conferences today

From aiming at globally distributed, but virtually connected conference hubs to live subtitles and translations: never has the scientific conference format been on a trajectory of such abrupt change. What the new format of the coming years will be is still unclear, but it will need fewer chairs and more bandwidth, and should be sensibly ‘green’ and super accessible, suggests Fabio Crameri. Even th ...[Read More]


GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during May!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during May!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For May as we recap the General Assembly we are not highlighting any specific Division, so this month our GeoRoundup Journals will be alphabetical!   All highlights for May   Annales Geophysicae: Magnetospher ...[Read More]


Congratulations to the winners of the EGU22 Photo Competition!

Congratulations to the winners of the EGU22 Photo Competition!

For this year’s Photo Contest, EGU received scores of amazing images capturing a broad spectrum of the geosciences. After the selection committee whittled the field down to 10 finalists, members have been voting for their favourites throughout EGU22’s week-long conference. After an enthusiastic response from our online and on-site voters, we are now ready and very excited to announce the win ...[Read More]


EGU22: The bitter reality behind fixed-term contracts

EGU22: The bitter reality behind fixed-term contracts

Monday evening’s Great Debate was definitely the place to be. Whether you were a PhD student, a professor, a research associate, a lecturer or, like me, a Postdoctoral researcher, this debate was here to raise awareness of the lack of permanent positions and the impact this has on a researcher’s career (and life!). As you may all know, getting a permanent position can sometimes feel like an ...[Read More]


EGU22: Meet our Communications Team!

EGU22: Meet our Communications Team!

This year for EGU22 we are very excited to be welcoming five fabulous people into our EGU Communications Team for the next month to help with social media, blogging and the press conferences. These interns and volunteers are going to be assisting EGU Media and Communications Officer Gillian D’Souza and Head of Communications Hazel Gibson, in the run up to, and during the General Assembly, so ...[Read More]


EGU22: 10 community Pop-Up Events to look out for!

EGU22: 10 community Pop-Up Events to look out for!

The EGU community has always organised their own events, whether these are planned weeks to months in advance or spontaneously during the General Assembly. Since the advent of the EGU Pop-up Scheduler it’s now even easier to organise and plan your own event at the assembly. Many of the events are Division-specific, from picnics and dinners to networking sessions, so be sure to look and see w ...[Read More]