EGU Blogs


Energy, Resources and the Environment

Towards observation-based gridded runoff estimates for Europe

Words on Wednesday aims at promoting interesting/fun/exciting publications on topics related to Energy, Resources and the Environment. If you would like to be featured on WoW, please send us a link of the paper, or your own post, at *** Gudmundsson, L. and Seneviratne, S. I.: Towards observation-based gridded runoff estimates for Europe, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2859-28 ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: The place where water runs through rocks

Imaggeo on Mondays: The place where water runs through rocks

Antelope Canyon, located in Arizona, USA, was formed by erosion of the Navajo Sandstone, primarily due to flash flooding and secondarily due to other sub-aerial processes (think of physical weathering processes such as freeze-thaw weathering exfoliation and salt crystallisation). Rainwater runs into the extensive basin above the slot canyon sections, picking up speed and sand as it rushes into the ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Commentary: ‘Globalize Geoscience’ and International Capacity Strengthening

Commentary: ‘Globalize Geoscience’ and International Capacity Strengthening

The international community will soon agree on a set of sustainable development goals. This is a significant moment for the international community, and a great opportunity for geoscience. Over the coming months a broad discussion is needed as to how we can best support this global effort to eradicate extreme poverty. One important way this can be done is through ‘globalizing geoscience̵ ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Science and Shovels: Traversing across the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Science and Shovels: Traversing across the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Moving 150 tonnes of equipment more than 450km across the Greenland Ice Sheet sounds like a crazy idea. In that context, moving a 14-metre high, dome-shaped, wooden structure seems like a minor point, but it really is not. I do not think I realised what an awesome and awe-inspiring project I was part of, until I was out there, in the middle of the blindingly white ice sheet, and I saw the enormous ...[Read More]


General Assembly 2015: Time-lapse animations

General Assembly 2015: Time-lapse animations

During the EGU General Assembly 2015, at four separate locations in the Austria Center Vienna, 72 000 pictures were taken to create time-lapse animations. The animations capture the essence of the conference. Re-live your time at the General Assembly by watching the animations, or get a taste for what to expect if 2016 will be your first time at the conference. Entrance and exhibition Display &quo ...[Read More]

Energy, Resources and the Environment

ERE is here to stay!

ERE is here to stay!

Hello, welcome, or welcome back! As of today ERE Matters, the blog of the Energy, Resources and Environment Division has been added to the EGU Blogs family :D (we thought about bringing cake, but that turned out to be a logistic distaster…) For some of you, we are the new kid on the block, but we actually have been around already for a few months! So please, join us for your regular dose of ...[Read More]

Climate: Past, Present & Future

EGU, Vienna 2015: the round-up

EGU by numbers In April, the EGU returned to Vienna for their annual Congress meeting. Over 11,837 scientists from 108 countries descended in the Vienna International Centre for the six-day conference. Delegates enjoyed over 4,870 oral presentations, 8,489 posters, and 705 PICO presentations. That’s a lot of science!   Science and ice cream for everyone! As always, the EGU were excellen ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Late Holocene Fever

Imaggeo on Mondays: Late Holocene Fever

A huge ice fall off the Perito Moreno glacier in the Los Glaciares National Park, southwest Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, was voted one of the three best pictures entered into the EGU’s annual photo contest, by the conference participants at the 2015 General Assembly. Perito Moreno glacier is one of 48 glaciers feeding into the Southern Patagonia ice field, which combined with the Northern Patag ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Photo Diary – 4 Years of GfGD

Photo Diary – 4 Years of GfGD

We’ve recently celebrated our 4th birthday! Since our work started in 2011 we’ve had some great adventures, met some inspiring people and learnt a lot. Most of our work is taking place in universities around the UK. Through seminars and events we suspect that more UK geology students are being introduced to their role in international development than at any time previously. Alongside ...[Read More]