EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"


GeoPolicy: Science for Policy Internships & Traineeships – a regularly updated list

GeoPolicy: Science for Policy Internships & Traineeships – a regularly updated list

Internships and traineeships are a great way to gain a better understanding of the political system and how policymakers use scientific evidence! This month’s GeoPolicy Blog post highlights various European-based opportunities that researchers can apply for. Understanding Europe’s political landscape and the information that policymakers need to make evidence-informed decisions is one of the most ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

The role of citizenship in geosciences

My collection of passport stamps - from hjl at

When international scientists from countries with a very low gross domestic product (GDP) get together at the proverbial water-cooler, we don’t talk about the weather, we talk about immigration. The conversation topics can vary between navigating a new immigration system due to an upcoming move, issues with our institution’s international office or wondering whether we will be able to secure a tra ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: meet Nazimul Islam, Dendrochonrologist and Climate ECS Representative!

Nazimul Islam

Hi Naz. Thanks for joining us for this edition of GeoTalk! How did you get into studying tree rings? Hello, thank you for inviting me! Well there is an interesting story behind this so let me share it with you. I was always fascinated by our natural environment, particularly mountains, glaciers, and rivers. That motivated me to study Geography for my Bachelor and Master Degrees. For my MSc dissert ...[Read More]


Into the Unknown: Research Cruises and the Geologist’s Drill

View aboard the JOIDES Resolution

With love for geoscience comes a zest for exploring the natural world. What we want to explore might not always be close to us. But science finds a way, even if it means sailing to the middle of the ocean. This week, we are going to dive into the nuts and bolts of how research cruises work in this blog post by Kuan-Yu Lin from the University of Delaware. Kuan-Yu recently sailed as an igneous petro ...[Read More]


An interview with our new division leader: Alice-Agnes Gabriel

An interview with our new division leader: Alice-Agnes Gabriel

At EGU’s GA this year we managed to catch up with Dr Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Associate Professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, and the new head of the Seismology Division. Over the interview she gave us insights into her relationship with seismology over the years, what she hopes to achieve in her new position, and how EGU can stay relevant into the future. Let ...[Read More]


Women in Geodesy: Kristel Chanard

Women in Geodesy: Kristel Chanard

I hope you are ready to be inspired because we have another exciting interview, with Kristel Chanard, our Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee of 2022. I promise that her answers will encourage you to pursue a career in science or continue to that!  Her answers remind us again that we need to make geosciences more inclusive and diverse. So, let’s leave the spotlight to Kristel and hear what ...[Read More]


Meet the EGU Education Committee!

Meet the EGU Education Committee!

The EGU’s Education Committee (EC) helps to bring science to educators, from higher education funding grants and coordinating training programmes to bringing teachers to Vienna to participate in the annual GIFT (Geoscience Information For Teachers) workshop and meet with scientists at the EGU General Assembly. In this article, six of the volunteer committee members reflect on what it’s ...[Read More]


Women in Geodesy: Sara Bruni

Women in Geodesy: Sara Bruni

Are you ready to hear from another woman in geodesy? We pass the mic to our Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee of 2018, someone who is currently carrying out her scientific works outside of academia. We are not going to take that much of your time and leave the stage to her. Would you like to share your thoughts about what being a woman in science means to you? I enjoy being a scientist be ...[Read More]


Women in Geodesy: Susanna Zerbini

Women in Geodesy: Susanna Zerbini

In the past weeks and months, we have introduced you to famous female geodesists who won the Vening Meinesz medal of the EGU Geodesy division. This week we turn our eyes to Susanna Zerbini, who was awarded with the Vening Meinesz medal in 2009 for her important work at the interface of geodesy and geodynamics using space geodetic techniques. Having this in mind, we were curious to find out what sh ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Quantifying the experience: Himalayan fieldwork in numbers

Quantifying the experience: Himalayan fieldwork in numbers

The Himalayas are Big. But how Big is the fieldwork experience? What is behind all the mountain field data and beautiful mountain pictures? 40 preparation emails, 110 km of hiking, 170 kg of gear and 25 people in the team. We try to put some numbers on the experience we had during the Langtang, Nepal Himalaya expedition in November 2022. Behind the scenes Remote mountain fieldwork can be quite an ...[Read More]