EGU Blogs

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Tuesday evening at EGU GA 2010

In addition to the medal talks and poster authors in attendance during time block 5 (17:30-19:00) several other events are going on this evening at the EGU GA 2010. Three Townhall Meetings: TM1 “The International Geosciences Initiative” in Room D, 17:30-19:00. TM2 “Implementing the INSPIRE European Directive in a geosciences perspective” in Room 6, 19:00-20:00. TM3 “J ...[Read More]


Photo Competition at EGU GA 2010

New to EGU this year is the Photo Competition. There are 11 entries on display in the Crystal Lounge on the First Floor (Green Level). Please vote for your favourite picture by using the voting terminals there. The deadline for voting for your favourite is Thursday, 6 May 2010 at 16:00. The 11 images are from locations from across the world, across the disciplines represented at the European Geosc ...[Read More]


EGU GA 2010 Townhall Meeting

Today (Monday 3rd May) there is a Townhall meeting on Women in Geosciences and ‘What can EGU do for Women Geoscientists?’ in Room D from 15:30, followed by a networking reception. All are welcome. The talks include: Session Introduction by Tuija I. Pulkkinen, President of EGU (15:30–15:35) Factors Influencing the Success of Women in the Geosciences: An Example from the U.S. Geological ...[Read More]


EGU General Assembly 2010 Opening Reception

The opening reception was held on Sunday, 2nd May 2010 from 18:00 to 21:00 in the General Assembly Venue. Before and during photos are below. This year there will be a EGU Keynote Closing Lecture on Friday 7th May by Jan Smit on The 30th anniversary of the discovery of the iridium anomaly at the Cretaceous Paleogene boundary: The state of the Chicxulub impact-extinction theory from 17:30 to 18:30 ...[Read More]


The EGU GA 2010 Venue

In this post are some pictures taken at the Austria Center Vienna of key places for the EGU GA 2010. This may be the last time this week they are this quiet! This is the European Geosciences Union booth on the Yellow Level (Ground Floor) Outside each room is a timetable for the day and information. This is outside a room on the Basement level, near poster halls XY and XL. Poster hall XY is shown b ...[Read More]


GeoCinema at EGU GA 2010

This year, for the first time, we will have a GeoCinema at the EGU General Assembly. The schedule day by day is shown in the individual programme group schedules and below. Monday 10:00–10:30 Eric Sanderson pictures New York – before the City (duration: 17 minutes) 10:30–12:00 O. Borderie: Careers in Astronomy & Space (duration: 52 minutes 12:15–13:15 Roland Schlich: 365 days under Antarctic I ...[Read More]


Meet the EGU at GA 2010

A new introduction at this year’s European Geosciences Union General Assembly is the chance to meet with Division and other Major EGU Officials. This will take place at the EGU Booth, in the main entrance hall. Please come by to see your division leader, and discuss anything you want with them. Details can be found in the EGU meeting programme and below. Monday 11:00–12:00 Meet the EGU Divis ...[Read More]


Major Events at EGU GA 2010: Great Debates and Townhall Meetings

Continuing the theme of major events at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010: Two Great Debates Tuesday [Room D, 12:15–13:15]: GDG2 To what extent do humans impact the Earth’s climate? Thursday [Room D, 15:30–17:15]: GDG1 Getting real about energy Seven Townhall Meetings (everyone welcome!): Monday [Room D, 15:30-17:10]: TM0 Women in Geosciences and ‘What can EGU do for ...[Read More]


Major Events at EGU 2010: Union Sessions

There are six union sessions at this year’s General Assembly: Monday [Room D, 13:30–15:00]: US2 Large Infrastructures in the Geosciences Tuesday [Room D, 13:15–15:00]: US5 Early Earth and early biosphere Wednesday [Room D, 13:30–20:00]: US1 Union Award Presentations and Medal Lectures Thursday [Room D, 13:30–15:15]: US4 History, culture, art and religion in the geosciences Friday [Room D, 17 ...[Read More]


EGU 2010 Blog Roll

The European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010 Blog Roll can be found as a new page on this blog. You can still submit your blog at the Blog Roll submission form. The Blog Roll will be updated throughout the General Assembly. By Jennifer Holden