The three 2012 General Assembly photo competition winners are:
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Imaggeo on Mondays: Hurricane season, from above
From space, planet Earth resembles a glassy blue marble, a term that was first used to describe a photograph of the Earth taken by the Apollo 17 crew on their way to the moon in 1972. Aside from providing stunning views of our planet, images of the Earth taken from above can also be used for meteorological observations. This beautiful photograph, taken by the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) satel ...[Read More]
Interview: Joel Gill, founding director of Geology for Global Development (GfGD)
Geology for Global Development (GfGD) is a new UK organisation. Its vision is to inspire students and recent graduates in the geosciences to use their knowledge of the Earth to fight poverty and improve lives. Many geoscientists work on issues such as water resources, energy supply, mining, infrastructure, natural hazards and climate change. Their knowledge of this broad range of subjects mean the ...[Read More]
Friday at the 2012 General Assembly
We’ve made it – welcome to the final day of the 2012 General Assembly! Although so close to the end, today offers plenty of Union-wide events. Be sure to complement the information below with EGU Today, the daily newsletter of the General Assembly, available both in paper and for download here. One of the highlights of the day is the co-organised session entitled Advances in understand ...[Read More]
Megacities at EGU2012
Today’s guest post comes from Michelle Cain, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Almost a whole day’s worth of sessions on megacities – where to begin? I certainly couldn’t pick just one talk to write about, so here’s a mish-mash of the session in general and a few talks in particular. First things first: what is a megacity? Officially defined (by who, I d ...[Read More]
Thursday at the 2012 General Assembly
Welcome to the fourth day of the 2012 General Assembly! Today is yet another busy day, full of events open to all Union members. Be sure to complement the information below with EGU Today, the daily newsletter of the General Assembly, available both in paper and for download here. Today features the Assembly’s second Great Debate, where big contemporary issues relevant to the EGU are broken ...[Read More]
Wednesday at the 2012 General Assembly
Welcome to the third and middle day of the 2012 General Assembly! There are yet again plenty of events open to all Union members today, some of them highlighted below. Be sure to complement this information with EGU Today, the daily newsletter of the General Assembly, available both in paper and for download here. Today features the first of two Great Debates, where big contemporary issues releva ...[Read More]
On the Ground at GA2012: Water, water everywhere… including under the ice
Fresh from leading a team of UK geophysicists on a two-week campaign of seismic investigations in northern Sweden, Dr Adam Booth of Swansea University reports to us from the halls of the 2012 General Assembly in Vienna. Hi, from a very sunny Vienna! It’s my first day at the EGU General Assembly, and the whole city is under bright sunshine and blue skies. Over the next few days, I’ll be blogging ...[Read More]
Tuesday at the 2012 General Assembly
Welcome to the second day of the 2012 General Assembly! There are yet again plenty of events open to all Union members today, some of them highlighted below. Be sure to complement this information with EGU Today, the daily newsletter of the General Assembly, available both in paper and for download here. Of particular importance today is the EGU Award Ceremony (US1, Room D, 17:30-20:00) [Webstream ...[Read More]
Photo Competition at the General Assembly: the finalists!
The selection committee received close to 300 photos for this year’s EGU Photo Competition, in most areas covered by Union’s activities. The stunning finalist photos are below. Do you have a favourite? Vote for it! The photos are exhibited in Hall X (basement, Blue Level) of the Austria Center Vienna, where you will also find voting terminals. The results will be announced on Friday 27 ...[Read More]