EGU Blogs

4941 search results for "6"

Hydrological Sciences

Thirsty Earth: a multiplayer online game for water resources education and research

Thirsty Earth: a multiplayer online game for water resources education and research

The Rising Need for Interdisciplinary Literacy The sustainable management of water resources requires cooperative institutions whose development are rarely included in already overloaded engineering and earth sciences curricula. The resilience of such institutions in the context of climatic and demographic change is also poorly understood. Enter “Thirsty Earth,” an online open-access m ...[Read More]


How we made QUARTETnary – the card game about the geological time scale

How we made QUARTETnary – the card game about the geological time scale

QUARTETnary is an educational card game about the geological time scale. Consisting of 60 beautifully illustrated cards, QUARTETnary explores the events in Earth’s history: from dinosaurs to humans and from the formation of the Alps to the formation of the Himalayas. It was designed by Iris van Zelst (me! Your fabulous former Editor-in-Chief), and illustrated by Lucia Perez-Diaz (also a former edi ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Call for a new X (Twitter) Account Manager!!

Call for a new X (Twitter) Account Manager!!

The Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology division of the European Geosciences Union is looking for a new X (Twitter) Account! We are a group of 16 early career scientists working on GMPV topics. You can have a look (and learn more) about our team and what we do during the year here! We are looking for an Early Career Scientist (ECS) who can share all the activities of our group and ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Gillian D’Souza reflects on her time as EGU’s Media Relations Manager

Gillian D'Souza. Credit: Caitrin Pilkington at EGU23.

Gillian D’Souza is the European Geosciences Union’s outgoing Media Relations Manager. During her time at EGU Gillian deftly handled the Union’s media interaction and made strides in developing how the Union works with journalists. With Gillian now leaving EGU, we asked her to reflect on her time working for the Union at the science-media interface.   Hello Gillian. During your time at E ...[Read More]


Bits and Bites of Geodesy – Satellite radar altimetry: How do we know that sea level is rising?

Bits and Bites of Geodesy – Satellite radar altimetry: How do we know that sea level is rising?

In a previous post, Thomas Frederikse briefly explained how geodesy is used to observe sea level change. In this part of Bits & Bites, Bene delves deeper into the topic. Rising sea levels are one of the consequences of climate change that already impacts people in low-lying coastal regions, and the future prospects are not exactly encouraging as well. We know that rising sea levels are caused ...[Read More]


GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during February!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during February!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For February, the Divisions we are featuring are: Natural Hazards (NH) and Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Paleontology (SSP). They are served by the journals: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS), Solid E ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Overlooked tips for the lost art of fieldwork

Overlooked tips for the lost art of fieldwork

Not so long ago, almost all hydrologic data depended almost exclusively on fieldwork.  Today, sure, you can download data from repositories, there are satellites that beam you magic numbers that you can interpret to give you almost any variable, and some (less than we might hope) long-term monitoring has been outsourced to governments (or in some cases to citizens with sensors).  But somewhere in ...[Read More]


Regional viscosity variations in Earth’s mantle

Regional viscosity variations in Earth’s mantle

For understanding the dynamics and evolution of the Earth’s mantle, knowledge of mantle’s viscosity structure is very important. In this week’s blog, Kenneth Gourley from University of Arizona discusses the variation of viscosity structure in Earth’s mantle in regional scale.   In order to understand the dynamics and evolution of the Earth’s mantle, geodynamicists model mantle fl ...[Read More]


A Day in the Life – Andreas Ruby

A Day in the Life – Andreas Ruby

This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others.  by Andreas Ruby, Doctoral Researcher, GFZ Potsdam, Germany Email: Hi, I’m Andi, and it still feels quite fresh, but as of now I’ve already ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

How can you contribute to Science-Based policy-making? Ask the new Policy Officer in the Natural Hazards Division!

How can you contribute to Science-Based policy-making? Ask the new Policy Officer in the Natural Hazards Division!

The EGU Natural Hazards Division now has a new Policy Officer to help promote evidence-based policy-making and support members of the Division in participating in policy-making processes. The Policy Officer aims to bridge between the Division and the EGU Science for Policy Working Group, helping to ensure that evidence-based decisions are made in the policy-making processes related to our areas of ...[Read More]