EGU Blogs

4944 search results for "6"


Imaggeo on Mondays: Eddy covariance

This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays is brought to you by Jean-Daniel Paris, a meteorologist from the Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory (LSCE), France. He describes how new techniques like eddy covariance tell us about the flux of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere…  This picture was taken during a visit to the Hyytiälä research station in Finland in June 2010. This station runs flux ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Blog Competition (Highly Commended) – Omeye Chimaobi Kenechukwu: Floods in Nigeria

For our Blog Competition 2013, we asked people to submit articles addressing one of two topics.  Omeye’s article discusses a recent flooding event that resulted in disaster in Nigeria, and his entry was highly commended by our judging panel. Omeye is a second year geology  student at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. When he graduates, Omeye wants to work as a geologist and have a positive ...[Read More]


Geosciences column: Playing back the Antarctic ice records

Satellites are keeping tabs on the state of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, and have observed considerable declines in ice extent in many areas since records began, but what do we know of past sea ice extent? Ice cores keep an excellent record of climate change, but until recently, ice cores have not been used to quantify patterns in past sea ice extent because few reliable compounds are preserved i ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Dialogues for Disaster Anticipation and Resilience – Your Help Needed!!

Following a recent discussion with staff at the Humanitarian Futures Programme, an independent policy research initiative based at King’s College London, an important opportunity emerged for YOU to support one of their programmes. The ‘Dialogues for Disaster Anticipation and Resilience’ project is designed to bridge the gap between those who make science and those who use science ...[Read More]


A sky-high view on pollution in the Himalayas: the journey

After being awarded the EGU’s science journalism fellowship, Jane Qiu took to the Himalayas to shadow scientists studying air pollution at the Pyramid Observatory some 5000 metres above sea level. The journey to work is by no means an easy one… For Angela Marinoni and Paolo Bonasoni, climate scientists at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate in Bologna, Italy, and Maxime Hervo, a Ph.D ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Guest Blog: A Summer of Volcanic Observation in Ecuador (4)

David Litchfield completed a second undergraduate degree in Geosciences with the Open University and is currently studying part-time for an MSc in Geophysical Hazards at UCL. He has a broad interest in hazard monitoring methods and how geoscientists communicate their findings with those who need it, and retains a strong connection with the Andean highlands of Ecuador. This summer, David is volunte ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Great faults and faultless geotourism

Road cuttings provide a great window into the wonders of what’s beneath the Earth’s surface. In this week’s Imaggeo on Mondays Bahram Sadry takes us through a beautiful fault between Tabriz and Tehran, Iran… These incredible rock outcroppings along Zanjan-Tabriz highway (the northwest of Iran), are unlike any other outcrop in the world. They are a group of faults and fractures, brecciation and gra ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Blog Competition (1st Prize) – Philip Irwin: In Unity We Trust

For our Blog Competition 2013, we asked for people to submit articles addressing one of two topics. Philip Irwin’s article makes an argument for the inclusion of development education in geoscience courses, and it won first prize in its category.  Philip did BSc Geology at Durham University where he developed an interest in environmental hazards.  He then spent some time travelling to places ...[Read More]


Momentous discoveries in oceanography

Earlier this month, one of our network bloggers, Matt Herod, put out a call for posts on momentous discoveries in geology as part of a well-known geoscience blog carnival, The Accretionary Wedge. With so many geoscience disciplines to choose from, and an immense wealth of exciting discoveries across the Earth sciences, choosing just one momentous discovery was no easy task. Much of my background i ...[Read More]